
You forgot that they've partnered with -I'm not kidding- Just Cause developer, Avalanche Studios.


Well played, SQNEX..

Not payin' attention, he steps on a lego brick....the kid just rages for a while.

Hodor: Hodor

Stacking book shelf. Notice the gap between books in the original photo - left hand stack, roughly 1/3 from the bottom. Lots of sources (the image I have used is DWR).

Transistor's 'Red' and 'the Kid' from Bastion, hand in hand. Jen Zee, the art director of Supergiant Games, celebrated the launch of their second game, Transistor with this adorable piece, where the main characters from the two games join forces.

Scenario One

Nice to see a Zelda game finally get a plot.

Wow, the Xbox One uses a surprisingly higher amount than last gen. It's practically tripled.


American lies! Guards, lower this traitor's songbun!