Jesus. I would not allow her to use her mouth after that.
Jesus. I would not allow her to use her mouth after that.
Is Scott Boras a prick?
when they brought in a manager who spent most of the past decade in another time zone. 3:30 p.m. in Boston is 4:30 a.m. in Tokyo.
Huh. People still keep receipts.
UPDATE: It was an intern's fault
NBA scouts have described Sharpless as "soft"
[reads headline: Shaq Thompson Now Has 36 Ks]
Melon Collie and the Linfinite Sadness
Move it to Butt Land
I just hope, as more of these allegations become public, that Dottie Sandusky receives her own investigation - you'd have to think that she learned well before her 46th year of marriage that her husband is a pedophile.
It's refreshing to see another Hamilton use speed in a more positive way
[reads above tweets]
Wasn't Millen on some sort of Second Mile board?
I'm not impressed until I see how much the wealthy Heyman spent on BBQ.
Were you guys really going to call Sara Ganim to testify? If so, why?