Mysterion Rises

"You drink too much; and for that reason, I'm out."


Robert's father is still pissed at him for hoarding the I's.

It's entirely possible that Valentine doesn't finish that deal - and that was a possibility before this start.


I was actually trying to think of Danley's name! +1

And here's the analysis of Laz Diaz

Do you mind adding me as well? @pbarbs. Already follow the list. Many thanks.

Charles Barkley would take the Wildcats at +1000

Tiger Woods is no stranger to carpet pythons.

Then we all went for cheeseburgers. I ordered mine with a slice of cheddar, lettuce and tomato ... a giant Diet Coke in a Shaun Rogers-sized Styrofoam cup. Hit the spot. Excellent burger, Five Guys.

The abuse always started with a friendly knuckle sandwich.

Karter is still wondering why his father tried to eat him.

Fred Durst has really let himself go

Jesus Montero wonders why he receives Tim Tebow's mail

...person manning @Redskins

There goes my theory that Azor Ahai is actually Tim Tebow

@HermEdwardsESPN: RT @TheJetsStream: We need to build on the team we have now

Outstanding Sports Reporter - Throws Shit Against Wall: Ken Rosenthal

That's really an awful assumption to make.