Mysterion Rises

I'm surprised Scott and Alex haven't submitted their story to Drew yet

Humphries bought a bucket of popcorn the size of a garbage can. Mary Anne never heard another thing about him until he turned up on E!

McQueary said Paterno told him: "Sorry you had to see that. You did the right thing."

Mad texting. I was in love.

The assault was actually unrelated to hockey — Milbury was incensed when he overheard the child singing Pop Goes The Weasel with incorrect lyrics.

Pictured: Exactly what you would think a 42 yr old man with a high pitched voice would look like as a teenager.

Sports Illustrated asked 237 NFL players to name their least favorite commentator

If this story is true, it appears Sandusky has a future endorsement deal waiting.

Three Legs. One Mullet.

The real hangup was adding language to the contract that protects Paul from dating a Kardashian

I'm going to do my best, take the proper measures to make sure this does not happen again


These kids should be grateful for the text. In the old days, he'd have sent a teleGraham.

+1 Emma

... god damn strike-through HTML won't work.

What's a contact on U

For those of you who can cook, y'all know what I'm talking about. If y'all can't cook, this doesn't concern you.


Forever stamp

I believe he said, "It's good to be 10-3."