The phrases "Sanchez" / "hooked up" / "very nice looking slant" are keywords that will inevitably reappear in a scandal involving the QB and an Asian teen
The phrases "Sanchez" / "hooked up" / "very nice looking slant" are keywords that will inevitably reappear in a scandal involving the QB and an Asian teen
And here I thought Burns Nickelback was a Dickens character...
Huh. For a muscle car, it's apparently not very strong...
In the end, the women took off their clothes, made some noise and five minutes later it was all over.
Well, Ralph Zenith would have advocated a full slate of games.
However, his mood quickly turned when he realized he could remain pant-less.
Board Member: Hi, Joe. It's the Board here. We, ah.. we just need to let you know that your termination is now official.
The teen would have stabbed him in the liver if the card was authentic.
Great, but what's the status of her booty?
I'd join a commentariat league. I'm only in a work league and that's just to take those dorks' money.
He faces charges of sexually abusing a 13-year-old boy he met while working as a day camp counselor in summer 2009. The boy is now 14.
Leave it to the South to get all upset over a little discharge.
Man, if this is just the Weta version, I can't imagine what the final release will look like.
I feel small and feeble. I mean, look at that six pack!
The University of Massachusetts Amherst prematurely registered years ago.
The eventual winner splurged on a true daily-double.
Huh. I always thought that was Wilford Brimley.