
will Scorpio play the Xbox one games? if not, then i might like Sony’s PC-esque approach better... upgrade software to be more advanced, but replace hardware for better experiences (comparable to low-end gpus at low render settings on games to high gpu/higher settings for the same game on the same OS)

dude... yeah. I have the ps3 version of 1.5, 2.5, and it hink there was a combo too... I also have all the ps2 games, psp game, 3ds game, I have the ps2 games in their Asia only “Final Mix” versions, I have the mobile game (the one on that verizon phone as well as the modern one today), and I plan to buy any other

its a very distasteful tweet and immature... but Sexist? really? perverted yes, but its a bit annoying to apply sexism at any little opportunity....

For those wondering how it COULD be possible (although i doubt thats how it was done in this vid because of GoPro branding...)

i highly doubt it was this as its tagged with gopro upfront, but DJI’s Osmo is very promising and possible of this...

I REALLY hope games start going in this direction... Overwatch has been doing GREAT with this model/mentality, hopefully this too

not too harsh though... Amazon Fire TV did something similar i think.. and i was excited, but didn’t include ALL streaming services i paid for... so i never used it. it really does have to be all or nothing

i need to do more tests, but so far any motion sickness i have gotten, was when i was standing. If im sitting, i never get it (which could be to that fact that we are used to it from sitting/riding in cars/planes/boats, etc)

lmao... i literally face palmed... to be fair, im surprised that the assistant couldn’t do that

wow... the standard for Pokemon Designs have REALLY dropped ... =/

well you can say “it didn’t make the cut” or you can easily say the writer of this story was not willing to change it to the typical American and Pixar style of everything needs to have a happy ending (unlike many foreign animation films/shorts)

Dude, exactly THIS... Nintendo is THRIVING on that mentality lol Make it fun and easy, not high-tech and complicated

(consumers are NOT gonna get a beefy ass computer , run all the wires needed, and get into PC gaming if they haven’t already)

To be fair though, HTC Vive really is much better, so if you’ve been spoiled

oh my god... is that what it is!?!?!? i was reading te article and thgouht the captions were just super inaccurate or horrible writing lmao

yeah... this game heavily emphasizes team play and working together... lol your team is to blame for not being able to kill a weak Ana to help you out :p

you can only ask for so much from a game that gives all /any DLC for free

throw $550 worth of equipment into the sky for possible just a handful of good usable seconds... and then spend 10 minutes fetching/looking for your overpriced Nerf thing in the middle of the water/woods

“Arcade is rarely frustrating.”

thats complete crap! this is the most frustrated i have been in a while... i stared at the tv, smoked a bowl, then I gave up trying to coordinate with my team and trying to win.... and then it was just hilariously fun. lol thats the absolute IMPORTANT thing to do... do NOT try to win or

ok wtf samsung... i patiently waited from note 7 from release day becuase i don’t like being the guinea pig on new products... and thats exactly what ended happening lol... so i kept waiting... now the replacements are faulty? damn Sammy... im tired of waiting. im gonna jump on the next best thing now (and possibly

even then, its super shitty to have one of those because it doesn’t go edge-to-edge because of the subtle curve

no but he coudl have looked frantically around to see what happened or where the prop went, etc.... also, he could have just been like “F-uck!” and just sounded panicked calling for people/airstrip

he handled this with the calmness of some one who realised they should probably go put gas in their car since its somewhat