
.... ok we can TOTALLY take into account when deciding whether someone is fit to run an entire country, whether they even know how to use a computer...

whats with everyone’s gripe about privacy? I understand if it makes photos/emails publicly accessible to other people and stuff, but most of this stuff is just whatever interests you, and what you have been looking into, and if people DO end up knowing, who cares if people know what you like?

Animals mainly do whats necessary to survive... Humans attack, hurt, love, care, belittle, etc. all out of spite/anger/emotions/revenge/ego’s... Plus i think we’re over-populated... so i will GLADLY say that humans are the real animals in this world, and have less of a tolerance for them

no, no... the mouse got me first, and the dog added... no but really. I know this happens alot, and i am on board with it, because it gets use further in science adn medical studies... but there was NO warning that I was gonna see what actually happens to the animals lol

alright, this article was a waste of time lol no photos of inside, and most of your equipment is more Hipster-Blogger than Professional-Photographer...

this. BUT sometimes people don’t want to use their Ult... so what i do is check the ult screen, follow the ones who have their ult as i keep giving my ult status every so often until someone replies with “confirmed” or their own ult status, and then i go to them

ok... you cant get mad at US for not knowing you’re deaf lol... “nothing annoys me more than elitist pricks who thinks that mics are the only way to game.” thats very selfish thinking as people usually don’t even THINK about deaf people playing and voice communication IS the best way to communicate...

I get your point

or if you do... trust the people you give them to/take them... and NEVR put it online... cmon!!

to be fair... playing online multiplayer on playstation used to be free...

in the case of roadhog.... Ive had tons of times when I get “hooked” before the chain actually reaches me, then he and/or I move, and and the hook is now literally through the wall when i do actually get hooked, an did get pulled in still

*sigh... all that work and not even come up with a way to hide the square screen edges?? shame...

what I find just as fascinating is the ridiculously smooth video this guy is able to take... while driving...

I hated this for so many reason... specifically because they clearly care more about looking cool, than safety.

how the shit do you do a successful curve ball... i try it so many times and only about 30% of the time will it register as a curve ball, even though i spin the hell out of my ball, toss it to the side, and it curves to catch the pokemon, but no extra XP for it...

this not a Jerk move... You are sad if you think this is a Jerk move.... ITS A DAMN PHONE GAME PEOPLE.... act like civil humans lol. I play Pokemon GO too, but some of the stuff i see makes me ashamed to play the game lol

or better yet! why do we even need a gay character in this?? seems like its just being forced in there to please the masses... From seeing the modern Star Trek movies, the only time a characters stand on this comes into play is Kirk because of his flirtatious nature and Spock because of his bi-racial relationship...

While I agree... I am also VERY happy... i really like using snapchat, but i HATE needing to choose between taking a good photo with my preferred camera app for best results.... or being forced to using Snapchats shitty camera app, just so i can upload to my story where i pretty much have to shoot portrait (which i

well... there are TONS of “She’s super funny, smart, enthusiastic, just a fun” people that are actual legit geeks/nerds, BUT ONLY because she is hot and has nice tits and isn’t afraid to play to her looks because she knows real geeks/nerds will be all over it, is she “famous”... She’s not that great at acting, and her

and I think thats why no one is trying to... unless they put it behind the glass of the back window... so if that’s dirty/blocked you can just wipe it away with rear wipers (which would be the exact same case with a mirror or camera)