
this was a mistake... yeah its cool that you can buy your precious used games now, but that got rid of having to not have your disc around anymore, also, that awesome fast game switching they were showing? gone. why? because you have to go find and replace the disc with the game you want to switch to now.

damn =/ the sharing with family members thing was interesting... and not having to put in my discs was too =/ especially with the fast game switching, now thats going to have to be held up by me having to get my disc...

this sucks... but at the biggest video game convention of the year, i'm not surprised (especially having been there for the third time)

Wait, wait... everyone's missing a huge detail here... Isn't Mewtwo essentially a genetically human-made clone of Mew? (i could be wrong, but thats what i remember...) SO, isn't it sort of impossible to have a new "form" on a clone/human-made Pokemon? any change in appearance this drastic, would have to be

lmao... i didn't think that exactly, but something trying to acheive that effect, yes haha

EXACTLY what i was thinking... i work at a video production company, we have RED's, but we mostly shoot on AF100's, and i doubt it'll fit on there... we do have a 5d mkIII, and 7d we can utilize this for though... but not for that price =/

But its a hell f a lot easier to add a camera shake hand held look after wards than it is to stabilize footage...

true... but not stock android... although im pretty sure the infringing include the hardware, Samsung keeps insisting on using the very iPhone-looking TouchWiz skin that only Samsung uses... Stock Android looks really different, expeciall in 4.X.X

I'[m hoping it was all AI :( what gives me hope is that he had very limited ammo, and missed a few times... which was what eventually forced him to use the molotov and rtreat into the room where he snuck up on the shotgun guy...

It's people like you, who Pirate everything, why we can't have nice things -.-

but is it really scripted?.... it makes me think because he missed a few times with the gun, and had VERY little ammo... if you conserve your ammo better or run out faster, im guessing it will end completely different... if thats the case... then WOW! my mind would be blown.

That’s actually what i really want to know… like if you waited too long after the girl threw the brick, would you loose your chance at rushing the guy? or would he just keep swaying dizzily there? or if the shotgun guy shot a lot of shots, and by the time you got the gun it was out of ammo, would you nto be able to

seriously lol... i actualy thought the iPhone did REALLY well. i thought with any drop it would shatter

1) do YOU have this much money just to make a "honest" test?

Dude... you're out in public anyway... what's matter if there's a camera looking at you or not? Unless you have an issue with people looking at you, i don't see why cameras are any different?

So I should be completely ashamed in having bought an iPhone on Sprint two weeks ago? :(

wow... because EVERYONE can think straight and do the right things when in serious pressure/fear. His kid fell out, his instincts kicked in to go after his kid, not to pull some emergency break to prevent his car from crashing...

no no... I agree... It painfully obvious it was redone in post, much more clearer and louder than the natural voices of the actors =/

Since SO many people for some reason *NEED* homebrew on ALL their portables.. What Sony needs to create is an App Store... after that, people can't hide behind the whole "I'm not doing it to Pirate! I just what my own things on here" excuse

What the heck?!?!?! I could have sworn i've seen this game at Target or Best Buy, when i went to demo the Vita... O_O