
@criosray: exactly... and yes i know, phones aren't really meant to play games and what not, but i can't afford to go out and buy a PSP or NDS (and don't want to since they're rather old)

@GrandPoobah: can't forget about that 1ghz Hummingbird that has a better GPU than the Snapdragon...

@SinisterBill: they didn't!! haha... but serious Giz wtf?!?! IMO, Sony was the star of E3! or did i miss something?!?!

@AdamKaoru: while i do agree that WebOS is perhaps the best OS ot there (end yes, before my Evo now, i had a Pre) BUT you also can't ignore the fact that after this new phone, HP has no plans to make another phone, so this will be their last, and how big do you think the marketplace will grow when you know this might

The Goofy shown here will forever go down in history... if only we knew the face behind the mask :')

@AcousticCurves: and if you haven't noticed, they don't sell any Tron merchandise either... it's a real shame, i know :'(

wow... y'know what we should do??

Well look here pessimistic paul. as i recall, Sony did a live demo of a 3d room using Move, and i have got to say that that presentation seriously impressed me. so to say that games won't get any where better than what you saw is a bit of a stretch, the tech is there, i think it's just the games developers that don't

@Blake Bouchard: Yeah?! atleast you don't have a wall mount set! -.-