

My Shun’s are my favourite knives, been using them for years. Incredibly sharp Japanese steel

My Shun’s are my favourite knives, been using them for years. Incredibly sharp Japanese steel

Feel uncomfortable in my paws, Much prefer my Shuns

Feel uncomfortable in my paws, Much prefer my Shuns

What’s this Facebook?

Since it was a German production - it wouldn’t surprise me

Krull also had one of my favourite soundtrack moments - Ride of the Firemares

Arrow - Medieval Times

Good Lord, Joe Pedott sold up - did not know that

Contrary to the detractors I love Netflix. Then again I’m not in the US and access to a fairly robust not massively restricted selection (looking at you Amazon) is all I need

Taco Bell was replaced with Pizza Hut for international distribution

I’m waiting for the new Daughtry album - yeah, I’m old

Third Person - UGH - except for turn based like XCom of course
 I used to love Red Faction when it was first released, and regardless of game play guerilla’s TPS just leave me cold. Pity I would have loved a FP Witcher 3

But, but there’s another settlement that needs your attention

No daylight saving here in Hong Kong, would never even notice it if it wasn’t for the global teleconference meeting time shifts

Just release a wii sports switch already. I’m hankering for a session of bowling or non gimmicky tennis 

I gave mine up a few years ago - loved WinMo and the original Metro interface

Over US$3000, not bad (Member since 2008)

Don’t insult dogshit

Damn, I wanted more of a wiiU take on tennis, oh well

Sharknado The game