
Forget Hunter X Hunter - where’s my long awaited Season 3 of One Punch Man?

So Crush them then

They’ve gotten up to the XBox 360 so no loss there

Ektorp has served me well for many years

No Resident Evil?


Good movie, poor & uneven pacing

I upgraded to the Asus AX6600 Triband Mesh - very powerful & stable coverage

I upgraded to the Asus AX6600 Triband Mesh - very powerful & stable coverage

Aside from the Usual subjects - I really enjoyed Doc. Hollywood

F.E.A.R. was a great atmospheric game, with plenty of jump scares

I know I’m one of the few but - and Rage... love those games even if they’re deeply flawed

NordVPN seems solid

NordVPN seems solid

I like my crust slightly soggy/ chewy 

Now playing

This Youtube video explains it best of all

I can’t play the Witcher 3, not because I don’t want to or dislike it but because the 3rd person controls are a nightmare of confusion for me. Pity, I like good story lines

Those battery holder things are great - I bought a couple a few months ago and will never go back to loose batteries

Those battery holder things are great - I bought a couple a few months ago and will never go back to loose batteries

AVP2 - Now there’s a game that could do with a remaster

Freelancer. Really would love a new KOTOR though

She’s survived a non cancerous brain tumor requiring surgery a few months ago & can still churn this out - fantastic

I climbed the pyramid at Chichen Itza many years ago, before they closed the temple off - seriously tough on the legs on the way up, but murder on the thighs after you went down. I was staggering about for a few minutes when I reached ground. (Granted I was a lot heavier than I am nowadays)