
We are debating getting another dog but worry about our current dog Isis and how she will take a buddy in the house. She hates other female dogs but plays well with males. We had a Border Collie stay the night in our backyard that we took to animal control the next morning that we are thinking of adopting. It is

It could start to eat my face and I'd probably be like "awwww, who's a good puppy?! YOU ARE! Yes youuuu're a good puppy cub ouch that's my lip but that's ok awwwwcchhhllpphhrrggh"

This fucking guy

I want another puppy the way some people want a baby. Unfortunately, my dog hates puppies and adolescent dogs. Stupid Grumpy-Pants!

Yes. I once had some weird stomach thing and went to the gastro doctor and as soon as I said I was gay he had a whole lot of questions to ask me about butts.

Now playing

I will see your kitten, and raise you a wolf pup with hiccups:

Butt Science. Heh heh heh heh.

The paper seat covers always say things like "for your protection" on the box. I always wonder what it's actually protecting me from.... bears? Could it be bears? (But seriously, what is it protecting you from?!?)

Its called a Candy Cobra and I'm pretty sure it's what Homer was dreaming about...

I wouldn't be caught dead.................with two strawberry daiquiris in my hands.

Sent this, as a joke, to my friend who's husband favors microscopic speedos with a note that said "Think I found Jake's new swimsuit!" and he messaged me back saying "He's already ordered 2."

I'm morbidly curious as to what would happen if somebody wearing one of those things just happened to sneeze really hard.

I'm not sure my statistically average penis, nor lack of ass could hold this in place.

WHYYYY is the phrase "unsolicited beach dick" making me laugh like this?!?

Come on. Give those guys some credit. I could never wear that. They're a lot more ballsy than I am.

I didn't get it at first, but when I did.....::dead::

If we've reached the point where a penis half-sling is considered acceptable swimwear, can't we just allow people to be nude? I'd much rather see the occasional, unsolicted, beach dick than that horrorshow.

Commenting on this seems like low hanging fruit. Or maybe average. I don't even know anymore.