Whoa! Speak no evil of cream soda. That stuff is good!
Whoa! Speak no evil of cream soda. That stuff is good!
I advise you to have your fire ready so you can send smoke signals to the chief asking for help once you consume your heart attack inducing drink.
Forgot to ask..did you go to the giraffe center? totally different place from giraffe manor. And yes..giraffes are adorable!
Ahhh beautiful!!! I’m wary of warthogs because those little fuckers can gore you with their tusks really good!They have hard noggins...I remember my mum telling me when they were kids, they would see warthogs charging at trees full speed and hit the tree with their head and they’d pass out for a few seconds.
Going there in December and yes, elephants are not to be messed with...they’re pretty fast too!
Putin’s pee..that’s what’s in it.
Selfie with shark = Insta sorry not sorry’s.
Annnnd I just did. Fucking curiosity and now I cannot unsee what I’ve seen.
You’ve made my weekend with your comment. Totally hilarious. Thank you.
Oh good I feel so much better . I’ll be turning 40 this year and I still don’t know how to ride a bike but I did buy one two years ago and had started to learn then stopped...It’s on my to do list this year..glad I’m not alone on this!
This cannot be real. I'm wheezing from laughing.
Which brings us to the question. What is a Nene?
She's from Utah. please let's forgive her. She was already at a disadvantage, geographically speaking.
Talk about blowing things out of proportion.
Oh that's an easy question to answer. It's hellish being JF's girlfriend.
Not in corn/bovine country, AKA, Iowa.
Just make sure you have shoes on. And hopefully not your fave pair.
The kitty's look said " Wrong p**y and I'm not bleeding THAT much!!!"
As I say this, I have two interracial children myself. The state I live in, there are plenty of interracial couples, thus interracial children.