
Persian food is to die for. I haven't had some in years since I moved to Iowa (not very culturally diverse). But that food is very unforgiving to the waist!

I have an almost 3 year old and I will take Umizoomi any day over whiny-fucking-Caillou!!

I literally had to put my bowl down of cereal lest I spill it on my laptop. Booo-YEAH? Hilarious!

Phew, I was getting ready to pelt you with teh black kittehz!

I don't know, grew up in Kenya...we used to do the potato stencils all the time.

Oh God...I'd forgotten all about those...where did you grow up?

I know right? I wish someone could invent a GIF clapper.. you clap twice and state whichever GIF you want... don't love black cats? Shaaarrrptooooonnn we have a person to picket!!!

I feel you on the going to bars to troll for men.

Hahahahaha...I think I just found me a new mantra,,,I will use it for retail therapy purposes and turning down SO for sex. catnip is laced with some meth and tuna....she'll come ...just you wait.

I have a very open palate but yep,,,,I draw the line on your so called salad.

Part of me wants to shriek and the other part wants to pet her. What gives!

You mean like this...

I need to know where you live so I can catnap he/she...adorable!

And that is exactly how my cat Smokey site...she'll even scoot up against a wall and sit upright!

Love the name..hilarious!

My non existent bunions recoiled in horror at the mere thought of wearing them shoes!

Can't say that I have. But let me tell you about this one time I was looking for a tampon....

This should sum it up for you then.