
Hey Dandelion!

What. Cap't Kathryn Janeway of the U.S.S Starship Voyager is in the show?!

So he wants men who engage in oral and anal sex with other men to go to ***jail***???? And what does he think they'll do in there exactly??? Be rehabilitated????

Future make-up artist right there! That was impressive coverage.

I think there are 2 main causes:

Yeah, since conservatives become hysterical and hit mass panic even at the most conciliatory of Obama's race speeches, he might as well go into kamikaze Angry Black Guy mode. The reaction would still be the same.

Of course. To conservatives, sexism and racism and classism and homophobia simply don't exist. Straight white men are on top of the pyramid because they're just more talented and hard-working than everyone else!

Innocent black kid gets murdered, yet his killer gets off scot-free like we have seen so many times when minorities are victims.

No, i think you're right. there's people who say "n*gg*r" far more casually than before.

You guys, has racism actually been getting a little worse over the past couple of years? Maybe I just haven't been tuned in well enough, but holy hell, people are jaw-droppingly outspoken about their bigotry these days. Maybe it's just the internet?

Having worked for the Obama campaign and being disappointed with several aspects of his administration, I gotta say hearing him speak up on this issue made me really proud of him. White people (and I say this in the least offensive way possible) can never really know how utterly demoralizing racial profiling can be,

Insightful and nuanced and personal and moving.

Exactly, NinjaCate hit it on the head. If you put the vast majority of your police presence and resources in majority-Black neighborhoods, combine that with the fact that national newspapers are still printing editorials about how we should all be suspicious of Black people, and it's not at all surprising you'll end

First motherfucker, what is this...a contest?? Your murder beats my murder?? Fuck YOU. Number one, you're equating apples and oranges. Did the perps that shot that child, get released? Did they kill a kid and go home and sleep in their own bed?? Did it take a fucking March on Washington practically to have the

This is some fucking truth right here. They sat through proceedings in which it was mostly their dead son who was on trial, and watched the prosecution go right along with the defense in making the entire case rest on a fucking guessing game about a sequence of events for which we only have the triggerman's story,

Err, no. We can't say mermaids exist because we can't prove otherwise. That's not how science works.

This is amazing. Matt Damon is really my only serious celebrity crush. I don't know why.