
Agreed on all counts. The only interesting thing (to me) about her storyline in this section of the book/series was Daario, and they've made him some boring Lord of the Rings knockoff. WHERE ARE THE BLUE MUSTACHIOS, DAMMIT.

That eye belongs on top of a tower in Mordor looking for hobbits.

And in the morning too! It gently whispers "Wake up Mr. West, Mr. Fresh, Mr. By Hisself He's So Impressed"

If it's one thing I've fully come to realize from all this, it's that there are a lot of people who want and choose to spend their free time desperately trying to justify the killing of an unarmed Black teenager. And the facts that he was a) unarmed, b) Black, and c) killed are 100% not in dispute.

I'm glad she said this. It makes plain something that has been implicit in the attacks of those who want to blame Trayvon Martin for his own death. If they aren't willing to commit to the "Trayvon was a 6'4", 250 lbs. drug-dealing gunrunner who lay in wait for Curious George and then leaped out of the bushes to

They didn't MAKE him look like anything though. They didn't take this photo. And no one care when it was in the Times. Poor choice? Yes. But I feel like people are reacting as thought they LITERALLY treated him like a rock star with a "fabulous photoshoot" or something. They used a well known picture that had been

Sugarbella, you are a monster too. I also am a monster. Every human being is a monster. We're all capable of killing, given the right circumstance. We're all capable of dehumanizing our fellow peeps to justify our actions. We all feel anger, love and fear, the three most monstrous emotions. To imply that only a

Why yes, it is a picture of someone's face and upper torso.


With all the sad/infuriating news we've been getting lately, I can't even deal with watching Amy Winehouse sing. It gets me EVERY GODDAMN TIME.

Oh mah gahhhhd that Amy Winehouse video. ::sniffs::

The Emma Roberts story is reminding me how differently we react to different types of people. And it seems to be pertinent with all the news going on right now... Young white girl bloodies and bites her boyfriend, and we simply say, hey Emma, don't do that! But then I replace Emma Roberts with Chris Brown beating

If you vote republican that means you hate women.

I want to see a commercial where a woman running for office, reaches into the chest of Glen Beck and pulls out his still beating heart, all while talking about her ideas for implementing financial reform if she gets elected.

"Lesbians make the best sandwiches."

Well, maybe, they hear someone yelling "Trayvon," and he is remembered. And maybe, they hear someone yelling "Trayvon," and for a minute they're reminded how fucking unkind our society is to minorities and how a kid can't get fucking skittles without the threat of being shot dead. And, maybe, they hear someone yelling

No one is insulting them personally, dearie. The comments here are talking about how White women have a tendency to bend to the will of the White Supremacist Power Structure because it benefits them. It's not racist to point that out. When people say "White People/Women/Men all . . . " they're not referring to you

Hey, fellow white ladies of Jezebel: Let's remember that a black kid is still dead, and his killer is still free. It's not about our feelings tonight, or about what black people say about us. It's about the fact that black lives do not, according to the state of Florida, and in American society at large, matter.

Does anyone else find it weird that Michael B. Jordan has to be called "this generation's Denzel Washington"?