
Andrew Garfield has good taste. Michael B. Jordan is one fine-looking young man.

As someone who spent the first 38 years of my life in the UK, this comment confuses me. I never had a problem finding applicator tampons in pharmacies there. What is your experience of the UK? Were you visiting a small village out in the wilds?

Is it really that awful? I mean, it's just blood. I don't want to finger paint with it, but just looking at it can't be that traumatic.

Applicators are not a US thing; I'm British, I always used to use applicator tampons (until I discovered Soft Cups), and I stopped flushing them years ago, when the environmental toll became apparent. I'm shocked that anyone still flushes tampons down the toilet, frankly.

Heavy flower here. Doubling up with tampons and pads are all that saves me from having to go buy new underwear every day of my period. I'll keep them, thank you very much.

Holy shit, am I out of the gray????

And where are the ads telling women to help old people? And where are the ads telling men to help babies? And where are the ads telling people to help ducklings cross the street? And where are the ads telling people to remember to put on sunscreen?

Yup. Me too. The goal isn't to transform everyone who views these posters into models of post-gender enlightenment, it's to provide a script that sounds feasible to average guys who could use an example of how to intervene.

While I do have issues with some of the wording, I hope speaking in a "language" more traditional men/people can understand will lead to further conversations about other issues with rape culture and misogyny, like putting women on pedestals ("that's no way to treat a lady").

My heart breaks all over the place for Nigella Lawson. Everything about all of this is horrifying, and playing out so publicly, and how awful must it be to realize your husband is an ass of this magnitude?

It's culture, not inherent ability. Working dads aren't expected to know how to do all of this stuff. And of course they aren't expected to really do any of it. They ARE expected to prioritize their careers and not take any time off, not just for paternity leave, but for shit like their kids' doctors appointments,

Fathers and mothers deserve quality attachment time with their new babies. How do people not realize that if you don't give men the same opportunities/have the same expectations to be good caregivers then men probably will not become good caregivers!?

Excuse me?

Because Jesus, er, I mean Darwin's ghost says wimmens is supposed to birth babies but you can't put your wee-wee in the no-no hole or you'll be punished, er, I mean, it's not natural!

I'm not as much surprised by people not wanting to identify as feminists, so much as annoyed that the reason they don't want to is due to a skewed understanding of what feminism is. (See, Taylor Swift and her boys vs girls bullshit)

YES I DO! Sometimes I can't even retweet the things because even though I think they're hilarious, I'm scared someone will think I'm serious.

most rape reports are false

We need another Boudica to manifest herself and just destroy the fuck out of these idiots. An Amazon uprising...who's with me?!?

@Holly: I'm not allowed to protest that detestable judgment of my character, when I have slurs repeatedly thrown at me but am not allowed to speak or be upset about it, when I'm made to feel personally responsible for many things that are not my fault...