
I can’t comment on the relative worth of crypto currency vs. traditional money. But Blockchain is very useful, probably verging on the impact that html had in the tech world. Blockchain is used to implement Bitcoin, but it can be used in many other areas, especially anything requiring distributed trust.

From various videos online it looks like people come to this very spot to do exactly what the woman got killed doing. Bet a fair number got hurt in the past but not killed. So it becomes a thrill-seeking thing to do and the potential victims ignore or minimize the risk..

I hear you on the stupidity of the action, but I’m going to play the Devil’s Advocate and suggest that making the end of the runway THAT easily accessible to random people is also stupid. Because you KNOW that there are going to be stupid people who will try to get a kick out of playing in the jet blast, and you know

Any Lotus Elise owner would be instantly expert at putting that roof on the S660!

Thank you for channeling the ghost of Robert Moses :-)

As an Olde Pharte engineer, i would like to make two comments:

Not sure about 6' 8", but I can confirm that a 6' 5" person can fit in an Elise with the roof on and not scrape his head. Not sure on forward visibility, but he didn’t complain.

Or a Lotus Elise/Exige. Those can easily be had for $40-50K

Caterham Se7en.

In a case of foolish internet privacy lack of caution, it’s pretty much my real name. And pronounced exactly how you think it is (not the more common Hispanic “pah-gahn”)

Sadly, we have indeed awarded ghoulish monsters for thousands of years. Warlords, are autocracy, and the like.

Excellent description of the realistic solution! Unfortunately, extremists on both sides rule the debate.

That is estate tax, not capital gains. Your parents paying tax on the increase in value of the house over 20+ years is capital gains. And IIRC most people don’t pay that because there is an exemption on your primary residence, so reguoar folk (meaning “not speculators”) don’t have to pay it.

Better idea: when your current car gets old, keep it and give it to the teen. When my wife’s car (Volvo XC70) hit 210,000 miles and needed a new A/C evaporator ($$$), we kept it rather than selling or trading it in and it became my daughter’s car. It’s a used dar where we know it’s maintenance history (totally

The really interesting point to this article is to understand how someone who does not like or understand cars feels when he is put into a modern car mid-tier car. Tom treats the CTS like some alien luxury. But a plain Ford Fusion has most of the features he finds so incomprehensible in the CTS. Manhattanites are so

In like Flynn - I was told it referred to Eroll Flynn, actor and notoriously succesful with the ladies.

Splitting hairs on the definition of hillbilly vs. redneck, i can see your point.

The truth hutrts. I have done a county-by-county analysis, and Maryland maps one for one onto Jersey. Sure, the Chesapeake is better than Barnegat, but our redneck area (the Pine Barrens) kicks ass on your redneck area (Garrett County), with double tha rate of 12-fingered cannibal families. And Maryland has a

Yes. The expanded lanes South of exit 8 have helped a lot.

You beat me to it. Typical NYC transplant asshole trying to fit in with the hipsters half his age by pissing on NJ.