
Right? It's like the absolute least apt animal metaphor possible.

You don't remember the part in gone with the wind when scarlett o'hara made a leopard print mini skirt out of her curtains? pft.

For maximum authenticity, the clothing shown is actually made with slave labor in Bangledesh.

Your sense of humor probably isn't as dark as you think it is.

buster bluth's penis looks like a lobstertail, but WITHOUT it's shell.

I see you haven't let the fact that you allegedly care about these issues stop you from being a patronizing jackass to women. Very few men care about these issues, period. But nice try trying to spin it into *my* character flaw.

Their earlier tweets are pretty corny and tone-deaf. But, to be fair, they say that delivery is 90% of comedy, and DiGiorno doesn't do delivery.

I feel like that excuse is the cowards way out instead of simply saying "lol no1curr" because how, exactly, are rape .gifs and rape threats ~discourse~?

"I see you tried to work behind the scenes to fix this problem and got stonewalled for months, but have you considered working behind the scenes to fix this problem?"

It honestly breaks my heart a little bit that this post even needs to exist — but the manner in which this has been handled (or not handled, really) by HQ is pathetic. Not reporting on it feels hypocritical, so here we are.

Can't it be both?

That's just a mic wire.

One thing I always wish I could find out in stories like this is how to spot these cameras. Who found them and how? I usually do a quick scan of the stall before I expose my cash and prizes but if they're using mini cameras, what do they look like?

This is the description on his Twitter account/under the dog photo:

I'm about to show my inner NPR fan girl.

What? Mine is totally sexy. I often wear it out on the town.

To be fair, those are the expressions that I make 99% of the time I'm in the lab...