
There is a great short story about airports and flying in David Sedaris' most recent book called Standing By.

Yes, it's hard not to be anxious and depressed when one thinks about the decline of rights for women, the melting polar ice caps, the fact that 50% of this country seems to be Marine Todd personified. *sigh*

This is a great response. I have to assume that LW1 is just extremely young, because otherwise her letter breaks my heart.

Yeah, my reaction to the first question was along the same lines. That's misogyny, girl. Figure out why you hate women so much and get on with your life.

People like writer 1 make me sad because I used to be one of them. I drank the misogyny cool-aid and would talk about how I was so above other women. I am super into gaming and baseball and I would lament how girls just don't "get it". I would assume all other women wanted to talk about where things I defined as

You know why?

Ok, new Kinja, since you misinterpreted my "Cancel" for a "Submit" (yes, new Kinja's fault, not the beers), I'll go there. I'll take five of these over making a human baby any day. I adore babies, but they grow up into adult humans eventually, and that makes them less appealing than ducklings, which grow up into

Hi, I'm Turbotastic and this is This Internet Life.

Yo, otherwise that's just time you're not getting back. I flat out refuse to poop unless I have some form of entertainment with me. Like dancing around, butt clenched, desperately looking for my book/phone because I am NOT sitting there smelling shit and staring at a blank wall for 5-10 minutes. Hell no.

We gave cancer patients serious addictions and made nursing homes turf in the drug war. You had one fucking job Oxy. Take out Rush Limbaugh. You failed.

Despite the intensity of Dr. Morriss, the small sample size places him on the lower end of the scientist social hierarchy.

" She was about 9, with lovely red hair and a pretty moon-shaped face. "

So in other words:

Notice how even in an article about a woman going gray, he still manages to refer to her as a "girl".

The shift in guardianship comes after their former caretaker, Sheen's ex Denise Richards, informed the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services that the boys are misbehaving in ways that she blames Mueller for and that she no longer wants them to stay with her.

While Sheen is throwing shade at Brooke Mueller for being a bad mom, none of these mainstream entertainment outlets seems incline to ask why this fucking dickhead can't be responsible for his own kids.

Oh hey Justin, doing some graffiti, huh? Whacha got there? Is that... what?

Oh Ian Somerhalder, so very handsome, but an airstream and a luxury SUV are hardly "in nature." Let me know if ever want to try roughing it for real. *winky face*