
This is sad and disturbing. I tried running these searches myself (from San Francisco, not Dubai) and got similar results:

it's not about 'allowing' it. It's that these are the things people are interested in with regards to women and how that's a commentary on society. It's not about "this should be illegal" it's about "sexism is still a problem, here's an example."

Okay, my mind is a fertile ground of hyperactive imagination. By the time someone has said three words I'm already off on three different imaginary tangents. I read this story and wondered if this young woman miscarried and kept the fetus, because she couldn't bear to get rid of it. It was a part of her for awhile

He's all "run cross country" any time I talk to him. Not helpful either.

How about:

Yep. Yep. It's pretty clear here... Yep. "And yea, in a time of great discord, a man of many progeny will make a fool of himself, comparing the genocide of millions of people with something totally unrelated." It's in the Book of STFU.

I can't even.

Well really, if her son is at a party, drinking, and there's women there, he's just *asking* to get rape-accused. Maybe he shouldn't put himself in that situation.

And don't forget the Entitlement Chorus chiming in with the "You're saying all men are potential rapists, and that makes us feel bad, so silence yourself!" revue.

I nearly pissed myself lauging at the reviews people are leaving at the restaurant one of the guys works at:

I know you shouldn't feed the trolls, but something they said on their last post, before it was deleted, really got to me.

I wonder if he's of the Ricesakes Clan or the Ryinoutloud Clan!

I actually broke up with a man because I could not walk through his apartment without tripping over his gigantic fucking shoes, which he would just toss off any old place. So you tell me why all the fucking shoes, dudebro. I may have several pairs of shoes, but at least I have the presence of mind to put them on a

Is Ofek a last name, first name, online handle, or the sound they made when they found out they were fired?

I believe some men are too scared to ask women these questions because they know, deep down in the hairy masculine vault of their very being, that these are some profoundly stupid questions. They fear the women will look at them with a withering stare, sneer slightly and then tell their friends, "hey, you really need

I shouldn't have to be appealing in a way that actually elicits desire on her terms, I just think I should get fucked, so why am I not getting fucked?

Her comment reminds me of something some guys said to be waaay back in the day, when I was young and cute. My schtick was biting humor and mugging around for laughs - Thank dog there were no cellphone cameras around back then! - and I had a couple of male friends tell me in all sincerity that they couldn't really

If it is, I'm right there with you in that wrongness. The abandoning of the monkey was what pushed it over the edge for me.

what...does that even mean? more accepting? Like, we're gawky and weird looking four-eyes so we'll desperately accept anything with a heartbeat and decently shaped eyebrows?

I know that you mean well and your own preferences are totally legitimate, but it's not encouraging in these sorts of debates (about women's ideals, etc.) to input an "as a man, I find this hot..." It can be very discouraging, and it centers debate around male sexuality.