
"Barbie." Wendy Davis was called "abortion barbie."

If she were some kind of Victoria's Secret model lookalike, they would pin "slutty" or "brainless" on her. The GOP: where women can never win, because they're terrified of female sexuality above all else.

Ironically, elephants form matriarchal family groups.

I think some people, myself included, are concerned about the effects on people who cannot be vaccinated. My little sister was one of those people (immunocompromised), and herd immunity was what protected her.

You need to write your own dictionary, like Ambrose Bierce.

What are you even talking about? Feminism...has nothing to do with this, though your apparent belief that women "land" men sure is illuminating.

That doctor needs to review HIPAA guidelines then.

It was in a "because it is so nonsensical and you said nothing at all and it has literally made me speechless" way.

I can't believe there are two posts where I can legitimately place this gif today!

No one actually can categorize anything as technically 'bad' or 'wrong' until Americans get upset about it from watching slow motion YouTube videos set to sad music. That is actually in the Geneva Convention.


So, I also asked this on the tumbler—we'll see if it gets answered. But I am curious about the thoughts here:

I am so tired of all the disney character as ____________ stuff. I mean why?

Err... why are all the dudes skinny and androgynous? Not that I have anything against skinny/androgynous dudes (and obviously that's just how some of them are, like Aladdin). But it just seems odd to me when the male characters are placed in in the traditionally female (re: weak) role, they suddenly lose all of their

Oh, I'm sorry... the card says "moops."

I know plenty of people who are pro-choice but anti-abortion (i.e., "I would never get an abortion because I'm personally against it, but that's every woman's choice to make for herself.") That is a perfectly valid viewpoint.

I'm just so happy to hear someone else say this. I'm in the exact same boat. No urge to do the dating thing but would like companionship, but have gotten so used to my personal space and revel in my privilege of selfishness. Don't have to ask permission to do anything, can spend all my money my way, can do risky or

I know exactly how you feel. I work at a place where most people are around my age and I'm one of VERY few people who is not married or doesn't have young children. And I do want children eventually but I refuse to settle. I want someone who will make be a better person, not someone who will knock me up and not run

I like how honest she is with the “It’s just so over-the-top” line.

My boyfriend's on a weekend hiking trip but I have this lovely lady to keep my company :-D (and also take up half my chair and keep me from getting up without feeling really terrible about myself)