
lizard? Excellent.

This is horrible. Was there not even a mirror in the room when you tried it on-level Horrible.

My favorite Barbie as a kid had this dress! If you pulled it up it became a mini, I wonder if this one does that!

not sure what you mean by "best shape" considering that the shape is her own body. the neck is a little "eh" but otherwise she looks amazing.

this haircut looks so good on her!

I also need gifs of the hilarious Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Tony Hale nod to Veep during her speech. Because that was my soul riffing on stage right there.

GOOD GOD Lemon that dress is spectacular. <3 them.


Her whole character is thunder!

Will Arnett is also a dork. Don 't fuck over our Amy !

Lucille is not going to be happy that Maggie Lizer took Buster to this years Motherboy contest. Not at all.

GREAT. Now me and my cat are both fat and need therapy.

What is so typically American is that everyone will be all up in your business about what you eat, and what activities you engage in while you are pregnant. But these same "concerned" folks dont seem to fight or vote for actual causes that would help pregnant women like universal daycare and preschool, or mandated

It's ok to go out. He is responsible for his own health.

True the nanny may have more experience (or not), but that experience isn't with the child in question. Nor is the nanny familiar with the parenting methods and techniques being employed. So, in short, unless you're asked for advice by a stranger, don't offer. Just nod, smile, and move on.

Grimes is a woman.

I distinctly remember having one that looked like an embroidered tapestry (I wore that with my mom-fit jeans and velvet(esque) ankle boots), and another that had fringe hanging from it like the blanket we keep on our ottoman (had a matching skirt; that outfit had a slightly southwestern flair).

I really appreciate James Franco's very deep and postmodern take on pranking, fame and paparazzi. It is really important work that combines performance art, public spectacle, and a wry, thoughtful commentary on social media. Actually, I think if he gets any more pretentious his head will be stuck permanently up his

Oh god, we ALL had those vests *shudder*

Snap Poll:

How many of you originally thought the man was the groom?

I did.