
That JLo photobomber is the BEST. So funny. This also seems like an appropriate moment to talk about the time I photobombed Madonna and her boyfriend when we all got off the Eurostar from Paris. I don't have a hope of competing with that guy, but I did manage to look straight at the camera and pull a face.
Sadly, now

Lindy: Just when I think I couldn't possibly love you any more than I already do, you go and post this Vine.

I think the only one to not chime in on either the song or Miley is that lamb. Lambie, what say you?
"The song and Miley are both baaaaaaaad."
There, everything that can be said has. Moving on.

Thank your lucky stars he didn't mention the loudest fruit of all: The Banana!

I didn't word what I meant very well. The problem is that right now search engines (data tagging engines?) aren't capable enough for a person to do a search on themselves and find every last piece of data that is out there that has you as a person attached to it. It would be nice if we could, so that we could

I respect her father for sticking to blogging and not going to the company hq and removing the ad creator's limbs.

A suitcase for your fruit... A fruitcase?

Demi Moore is dating the father of her ex-boyfriend Harry Morton; also, Harry Morton dated her daughter Rumer Willis in 2007.

Can you believe fall fashion is!

Burlington Coat Laugh Factory

Ah, but Drew Barrymore was a far bigger star at 11 and from a family with a long, famed history of stone cold boozing it up. And notoriously bonkers parents. For similar reasons, it wouldn't surprise me if Ariel Winter was drinking and drugging and staying up til dawn like a maniac (as my actual Nana would say).

I wish LiLo all the best and hope she is with a partner that will help support her in her journey to stay clean, but a rich reality star from Texas of all places who is "also a Christian and won't drink around her. He's trying to keep her sober and on the straight and narrow" just raises SO many red flags for me.

yup, yup. and there's no porn search for "MILF"! FACT!

Something we were discussing quite a bit over on GT a few weeks ago (I think, I am terrible at time - it was stoked in part by a Rolling Stone article on One Direction) is the fact that young girls especially tend to get rabid and obsessed with celebrity idols, and part of the reason why is that they have no other

"A year later, adults in Steubenville still aren't very interested in having a productive discussion about rape culture. "

If anything, the quotes and sentiments of the locals actually decrease the level of sympathy I had for Steubenville before reading this piece. The way they talk about Cody Saltsman as if he's a fucking martyr, the things said by the guidance counselor, and the fact that the locals think they have taken enough lumps

"A town destroyed by what a culture did, a culture actively perpetuated or blithely tolerated by all of us- especially men but even including those who are harmed most by it."

While I'm really, really happy for you that you have great self image and confidence, what is your point in bringing it up here? This all comes from my own baggage and likely you're just trying to help show reasons why you should be okay with your own size whatever it may be, but it can come off at best as

Your mention of race reminded me: I hope Jez continues the historical trend of posting the racial breakdown of the models on the NYFW runways. I use it every year in my classes to talk about race and racism, because students always demand current data before they can be convinced of the racist implications of almost

Okay, fess up. Who in Texas said Paula Deen's name three times into a mirror?