
I can see circuses and all that, but I think a lot of dogs actually clearly derive some kind of enjoyment out of running courses or competing in shows. Plus, training a dog in tricks (roll over, play dead, whatever) can help keep the dog's brain plastic and excited to learn new things.

Gee, I didn't know that lady who gave shitty service to Oprah got fired and started working at Rue 21. Why hasn't she learned her lesson?

On Facebook, the company is denying that the incident took place: "We have investigated the claims made by Ms. Buster and to this point have been unable to substantiate them. We have been unable to corroborate that the incident actually happened. rue21 has over 950 stores nationwide. We value diversity and welcome all

Unless these shop owners have looked at your tiny feet and said "Your feet are to small to shop here. Please leave," then your anecdote has nothing in common with what this poor girl has gone through. Also, there is zero social stigma on small feet. If anything, it's the opposite (Cinderella, etc.)

Right, because asking a sales person for a size and finding out they don't carry it is the same as having someone make unsolicited comments about your weight and being asked to leave the store.

"Too big" as in, she is literally of a size - height or width - that the store cannot physically accommodate her? Or the store is 4 sqft? 'Cause, aside from that, just no.

I have to share this somewhere. Today at 1:30p.m. I marked 9 days (i'm counting by the hour) without binging and purging, the longest I've gone without in five years. I've been bulimic/anorexic for over a decade and this past week has been me taking a stab at normal (I don't really know what normal is) and watching

Yes! Drew! I loved him! Ya know, Prince Eric was modeled after Drew's HS swimming photos. However, Drew ended up having hook hands.

So, here is what I'm going to say about "Not all Christians are like that."

Finally started my unborn son's M.C. Escher baby blanket. May it be as majestic as it is squishy and soft. Also, hairless cat.

There is a Greek festival this weekend so I plan to be in a baklava coma on Monday.

[Insert pun about nailing.]

Speaking of needing to chill out...

This just reminds me of the Louis C.K. bit about how the most dangerous thing in the world for women is... guess what. Men.

I'm pretty sure *he's* the one with the problem here. Women have been taught from birth to go along to get along, which means accepting all kinds of weird-ass behavior.

Idk, it sounds like the desperate one is the guy demanding that a woman dates him for 30 days sight unseen, that's just me though. What a scary fucker!

You know how people claim they hate the word "moist"? I think "damp" might be grosser.

You know, it really doesn't matter what [the media] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass.


They need more women on their executive team, like, yesterday.