
Maybe people are sick of articulating positions to people who read them and go *LALALALALALA NOT LISTENING!* Kind of exhausting to constantly make the same arguments to people completely disinterested in taking it seriously.

I really want to see a dramatic monologue of this, a la Michael Shannon's reading of the psychotic Delta Gamma sorority sister letter.

I do not think "it" means what you think it "means".

A natural, more enjoyable low-cost alternative:

Dude is abusing quotation marks so bad that Amnesty International had to get involved.

i'm on it. i live in socal and barely made the cut off age of 27 which means i won't have to divulge my education and/or career history! let the great experiment begin!

I've decided to whole-heartedly believe that he raises his hands from his keyboard and uses air quotes every time he types them.

None for me, thanks. I've actually grown quite fond of my bitchface.

For me it reached an entirely new level of brilliance when he put quotes around 6! The number 6! Is it allegedly 6? Is it sarcastically 6? In what universe do quotation marks go on a number?!?!?!

Low-cost alternative:

“Even when you are looking like your normal self, people keep asking you: ‘Why are you frowning?’”

When I saw that you had put the exclamation point in quotations I choked on my coffee. For a second there, I thought I was going to die in the most ridiculous way ever, laughing and gasping for air.

NOT WITH THE ALL-CAPS YELLING! That's "very" aggressive and NOT feminine. NO RETURN EMAIL FOR YOU"!"

Seriously. If NOTHING else turned me off to this guy's post, his abuse of punctuation would do it.

But would you "buy" him the way you "drive" a car? What if "you" are just "argumentative" which we know is unattractive in women? Maybe your "parents" haven't explained to "you" how a 99% top-quality "man" operates. He's just on "a" different "plane" from us pleebs.

Huh. I was wondering why there seemed to be a shortage of quotation marks lately.

I get the feeling that some people really regret the fact that you aren't able to buy wives the way you'd pick out a car or computer.