
I just can't anymore. Seriously I just can't.

Hey, fellow white ladies of Jezebel: Let's remember that a black kid is still dead, and his killer is still free. It's not about our feelings tonight, or about what black people say about us. It's about the fact that black lives do not, according to the state of Florida, and in American society at large, matter.

'cos it's not as tho jezebel has been covering it daily for the past week/10 days or so....

I don't understand that outfit and I won't respond to it.

Donnie stepped into the bedroom, shrugging off his leather jacket and sauntering to the bed, where Jenny lay, emitting a coy little giggle at his approach. As he slid down onto the soft, yielding mattress, she rolled onto her arched back, tingling with anticipation.

"Talk dirty to me, Donnie," she croaked.



Dear Ellen Page and grown women everywhere,

If someone makes a disgusting kale smoothie and doesn't share a photo on social media, do they really absorb its health benefits?

Sounds like she could use a light therapy lamp. Also, I really do not understand why so many people do not take the dangers of skin cancer seriously. Several of my family members have dealt with melanoma and it ain't pretty. I sometimes joke that I wear copious amounts of sunscreen and use parasols because I don't

Same here. In some ways the fitness Facebook friends motivated me to go to the gym because they make it look so fun with their cute little neon work out gear. But sometimes I get the feeling that they get too much validation from Facebook. It's like if no one is applauding your diet and exercise it doesn't count...

How can mac and cheese NOT make one feel better?

Congratulations, Anna Faris.

The problem with hunters is they're too sporting. They only want to shoot the bucks. What white tail deer (aka rats with antlers) need is culling. Night vision scopes with silencers on high-powered rifles. Slaughter the entire herd in a particular area like we're forced to do with feral hogs.

OF COURSE the picture that accompanies the story is an underage female. Are they implying that these little does are hos? That all the little whitetails are willing to give up some tail?

"It then prints a proprietary liquid chemical formula on the fabric interior that regulates the level of stretch in strategic areas. . ." Strategic areas. I love that. It really conveys the idea that your body is an enemy, to be strategized against. Seriously, it's amazing the military lingo that works its way

The only carved-out thighs I'm interested in come from Urban Chickens.

Urban farmers need to get themselves an urban hatchet and an urban chopping block.

"Here we ho again?" I can't even...