
If we allow gay marriage, why not allow people to marry a horse, or a pizza?

Hmm. Gob would argue otherwise.

Can this drug be used to block feelings associated with other experiences? Like, say, middle school?

So, forcing rats to go on a 10-day bender and then withdrawing alcohol for another 10 days is really our experimental substitute for alcoholism? I don't know if I buy that. I mean, just because someone has a wild spring break week featuring test tube jello shots and too much pino grigio, followed by a mid-term week of

The first time I got a ticket, I did legitimately cry. But that was because I was 16, out way past curfew (because I had gotten lost [pre-cell phone days], was running out of gas and I knew that I was going WAY over the speed limit. I was terrified.

Jane did say, in one of her posts, she was going to address this situation. I haven't seen anything done about it yet... but I do hope she at least acknowledges it and I reeeeeally hope that writer isn't published again over there. I think it's possible to like both Jez & XO, and also to acknowledge the faults of both.

I did the same thing (I felt like Jezebel was in a bit of a slump so I was happy to find something else interesting to read). But so much of it feels like 'look at me, look at me' without much substance behind it. I come away from it having read something, yes, but I rarely feel like I've actually learned or gained

She really did not feel it necessary to even bother with other viewpoints. My only problem with people who don't feel like other viewpoints are worthwhile are the self-same people to get super aggro when no one takes their view point into account.

Because only men are allowed to be old in public.

This is actually pretty much word for word what I was going to say... so thank YOU ;)

I liked the article about judging women that can't cook. I was like 'congratulations, you've provided a public outlet for someone's fervent adherence to a stereotype. The world is now most certainly a richer place for that contribution'.

Um HELLO! All those GOP elected officials are MEN, okay? They can do whatever they want for as long as they want forever and ever. They can even serve after they're dead. That's just how male genes work? Plus Viagra. Get over it.

This is so fucking stupid ("Hillary is old") that even my pubescent SONS said, "They wouldn't say that if she were a man."


Also older than Hillary Clinton? MITT ROMNEY.

Anyone remember what the "O" in GOP stands for?

For some reason, I can't remember . . .

Paul Ryan IS a great stride in human-fish relationships. How else could he be such a bottomfeeder?

That episode was the best.

"She's cried her way out of a speeding ticket." Am I the only one who finds this kind of behavior disgusting?

I just want everyone to know that I am old to enough to have purchased the first copy of Jane at the store and then kept up a subscription for 2 years. Also, I am old.