
Yes, ma'am.

Fortunately, Paul Ryan is making great strides with human-fish relationships.

There, too, apparently.

I think you're going to have to deal with the deal-breaker that a pizza cannot give its consent to marry you.

"Intelligent design," my ass.

Typical GOP: ignoring the will of the voters.

I get where he's coming from— after all, who among us hasn't spent two decades trying to do something they don't want to do?

I think this might be more believable if he hadn't been running for President since the early aughts.

Oh, he didn't want to run? Whatever. This sounds like a kid stomping off the playground yelling "Fine! I didn't want to play with you anyway!"

This reminds me of that classic Norman Rockwell painting: "Family Focus Group".

Well, that squares with the GOP's understanding of math and statistics.

Actually, the platypus and the echidna do not have teats, so they feed their babies milk that they secrete like sweat.

Well, being that people are animals, I would think breast milk is inherently an animal product in and of itself.

I got asked once if I was some prof's teenage daughter once. At a faculty party. All dressed up in my grown-up clothes and everything. You just can't win, can you?

When the media write 'sans makeup', they mean 'without the usual amount of makeup'. Gaga is obviously wearing lipstick, or her lips are naturally that red, in which case I hate her.

Seriously! Celebs get to have all the fun. It isn't fair.

I'm kinda the same way, exacerbated by the fact that I look a good 10 years younger than I am (and I'm not that old) so I'll get people that are clearly younger than I am calling me "miss".

That's one thing that worries me about breastmilk swaps, that combined with the "breast is best!" mentality, women might kill themselves to try to obtain breastmilk when the source isn't known to be safe or regulated. Right now in the U.S., breastmilk swaps are unregulated so you have pretty much no idea who the

Every time I see Cosby come up in the news, all I can think of is the time he forgot his comma. Then I shudder.