
You do not own it,

Ah, Facebook, always there to help you figure out which of your friends are racists, misogynists, or otherwise douchebags. Thanks, Facebook!

Matt's girlfriend, a 43-year-old filmmaker and actress named Terisa Greenan, goes further, expressing the virtues of her lifestyle in stark terms. "Polyamorous people are just smarter," she says.

"Congratulations! It's a white male with a trust fund."

Thought the same thing. While the map is pretty this way; it would have been a bit better if the 27 states with regulations mentioned were all one color. Not that I don't want to read all the annotations but color on a map usually indicates something.

Whereas California (my home state) is a bastion for sluts all the way around. You get your whore pills at a low cost (Thanks OBUMMER) and you get to go to your local abortion-plex when you fail to abide by gods law. I do believe its been called "Santan's Sandwhich", but I could be wrong.

I hate to make like Dwight Schrute here but...

I find being ugly and mean lets me avoid talking to co-workers. I consider this a massive win.

oh my jesus. that is worse than I could have possibly imagined.

Now she's Jenny from the former Soviet Bloc?

I just got back from Saint Louis Pride Fest. My feet are killing me but it was a lot of fun. Check out Mr. Missouri!

what?! They must have not been very bright.

That is a really misleading headline, I gotta say. The implication is that money was pissed away because no one came to the film.

University students live like this, but there's the part where they graduate, get jobs, and buy themselves privacy and quiet and control over their living situations as fast as they damn well can. Because in fact people who're trying to get some sleep don't want to have to listen to the blow job in the hallway or the

Ugh. I go out and I do stuff, as much as my limited budget allows. But it's fucking hard to meet people. And I'm pretty, funny, confident and well-spoken. But I'm also introverted, and if I don't have an event buddy, it's practically impossible for me to loosen up enough to have fun. Booze isn't an option. And people

We are one dumbfuck away from my period-bloodied tampon being considered a child.

Well maybe we should just teach our whore pills and sluttish contraceptives to have more respect for themselves. My birth control pills are saving themselves for marriage. My aspirin on the other hand...

I don't think this is on Tina in any way. She invested in Tracy Morgan and Baldwin for their talent and it was clearly a smart move. Even though they have both done and said horrific things that make me mentally put them on my shit list, I'm willing to bet they aren't dickheads 24/7 and it is possible to be

I don't think it's okay to insult a man for what you perceive as being rude or nosy behavior by implying he's a woman.

He should just not use gendered words as insults. Asshole is a good example of one that isn't.