
"It's not like the grain. Quinn-O-AH. Yes, I know that's not how the other one is pronounced." -How to make that name even worse.

I would offer to welcome you as a new neighbour with a cup of English Breakfast and a chocolate hobnob, but that would be far too overt a display of friendliness. Perhaps when you've been here for a year or so then we can progress to the occasional 'Good Morning' in passing.

We had the one kindergaarten (Aussie version of pre-school I guess? Our preschools are for like, 2-3 year olds, then kindy is 4-5, and reception is 5-6) in my home town, and we all went there. I don't think it impacted my success in school or life at all. Pretty much all I remember is that the playroom had this huge

I managed to succeed in public schools and graduate from an actual university despite never attending preschool. Somehow my high-school educated mother managed to prepare me for kindergarten all by herself! I know—I'm an inspiration.

this was the metric I used as well.

I'm in the same boat. I'm really easily stressed out or made to feel bad by other people. Which is terrible, because I'm a college professor, so course evaluations kill me every semester. (I spent half a semester practically in tears because of a few comments). I can't say that I deal with it very well, but I've

I just always think it places unjust and unhealthy pressure on the kids as well. Their parents very clearly want them to succeed in order to fit a certain ideal. Now, I know this is debatable and might sound naive, but I believe that if you're really that good and there *are* no active impediments for you making your

Colleges seem to be far less interested in class than they used to be. These days, working class kids are advised to apply to at least one expensive private school because they often have far better financial aid than public schools can offer, and grad school students come from lots of backgrounds.

Our tiny rural village primary school was so small, one teacher taught two years in the same room, going back and forth between each class. I'm in the process of submitting a dual PhD. It's all good.

I got kicked out of my private preschool for being unable to take naps so I stayed at home and watched Hey Arnold and Rugrats all day. They still let me into an Ivy, surprisingly. Nickelodeon 4 eva.

I'll raise both hands also for the K-12 public school education (rural South Carolina, too) getting advanced degrees — I'm six years into an MD/PhD program, will graduate in three years.

I have many, many family members who are public school teachers in South Carolina, and I'm thankful that my parents chose to keep us

"make sure they understand the grades they need to get to make it happen"

Hey, congrats on the PhD! :D And best of luck on the job hunt!


Pre school was a few blocks from my house. Can't remember the name.

Good schools really embiggen the whole learning process though.

Same. I can even read the big words!

I missed it...damn

Aye, fair do's pal we're dour right enough. But ye cannae beat the banter! ;-)

Good, you're a fast learner. Also, practice your emergency weather-based conversational skills, just in case - god forbid, and I hope it never happens to you- someone attempts a chat.