
Haha thanks. I feel like I may have found my calling.

This is probably what would happen to certain people if they had to read an article about women's sports on the internet.

Why, a KKK Chardonnay! A superior white wine for the superior white race!

That is cuh-ray-zay. That pic looks like one of those funny little cards we had in grade school, with the plants and animals on them...I forget what they're called. This is probably in the "weirder zoology" set.

An aged white, of course!

Maybe she would have shown up if Al Roker was wearing a black bowtie with that white suit.

Butter excuses would have been so valid, I bet!

I absolutely love your screen name. But I have a not-so-secret fungi photography habit.

Reply hazy, try again.

I'm just waiting for her to turn 10 and decide she needs to search the world for new parents:


LOL "Mad Hatterpillar"

When Donald Trumps says "we" I always imagine he means him and his hair piece.

I am now imagining a teetering salmon. And laughing hysterically in an office still full of people. Thanks, Lindy.

Behold, my child can make herself a merperson with just one leg of her leggings and a smile. Take that Pinterest fashion bitches!!

I wonder where you are from!? My mom was 38 when she had me, and my dad was in his 40s. I was born in the mid 80s and all of my friends parents were around the same age (maybe my dad is a bit older) but maybe I am just lucky that they always had tons of energy (and still do). They travel constantly (when they aren't

Maybe there's none available, but I hope they at least tried. Because yeah.

Oh, well as long as they think it's abhorrent, that's ok. No need to return that money, then! All friends now!

Thank you! I was thinking the exact same thing! Couldn't it be possible that it was just an overworked mother/father, who looked away for just a minute to take care of one of their other 3 children? Yes, they should have used something better than cardboard, but how do we know that this wasn't something they had

Granted, this quote is about 3-day old blastocysts, but I think it's still relevant to the conversation:

"A three-day-old human embryo is a collection of 150 cells called a blastocyst. There are, for the sake of comparison, more than 100,000 cells in the brain of a fly. The human embryos that are destroyed in stem-cell