
I'm trying to think of something I'd want to do less with my friends.

and fruits have a funny way

It's like faaaaaame
with a strawberry name
and the free preeeeeesss
writes up your fruit debt shame
it's a truuue puuuuuuun
that they're both the same.

And who would have thought, it figgeeeeeers

And here I was thinking that the birth announcement would be pink or blue coloured smoke rising from the Buckingham Palace chimney...

If they were in a frat, we'd have a bingo.

Seriously, all you needed was a priest, a MRA, and a Penn State coach and you would have the bingo card of rape culture.

To be fair, I tried really hard to think of one that isn't, and I just couldn't do it.

"No, I don't know how to get an email." ... JESUS CHRIST PAULA

Astounding how some people can't seem to grasp that an era when actual human beings were brutally enslaved and practically used as livestock is not some cute little nostalgic time period in which one can do a little cosplay.

most jokes are about Jewish people, rednecks, black folks.

Why is the link not working for Mia Farrow's picture?? Damn you, twitter, I really wanted to know what she squirted into her mouth.

This seems like a fair and respectful response. I disagree that the image would have been okay if it had run alongside a story about Cowen or her work; I still think it would have been distasteful. But the dress credit definitely added injury to injury on this one. It's good to hear Morgan speak about it in any case.

My mom called me last night to talk to me about the shoot. Unbeknownst to her, she played a small part in this travesty. She is a member of the Virginia Woolf Society, and a Vice staff member contacted her to ask some questions about how Woolf died. My mother gave the writer quite a lot of info, dispelled some of the

This is a good interview, and she comes across well, but the people who need to be questioned here are the people who thought up the concept, researched and okayed a photograph of the death of a woman whose son is still a child, and whoever thought that it was at all appropriate to use suicide to sell clothes.

"The passive aggressive bullshit when you're angry. If you're mad and I'm not getting why, just fucking tell me. I will do my best to make it better and if I'm the cause of your anger, I'll apologize and fix it."

Had no issue with these. It was about specific relationships, not "the womins in general". Hence, hilariously specific jewels of complaint like this:

It's weird that people would even need them, because anyone on this site is willing to let you know how easy weight loss is.

In before: Why don't you fatties just run more and eat vegetables stupid fatties?

This is a good thing. As mentioned in the article, classifying something as a disease encourages avenues of treatment, and many people do need help when it comes to having a more healthy body fat percentage.

I live in Jersey, I'm sorry but I don't understand how people live without for real bagels. Everyone I know who moved out of state that's like the first thing they eat for breakfast when they come home. Followed by pizza for lunch and cannoli's until you fall into a coma. (I also acknowledge the superiority of the