
Also the whole part of the "maybe she wasn't a virgin." Very problematic. I do not think teenagers should be getting drunk but more importantly, I do not think teenagers should be committing rape. To make an analogy, b\c I love analogies, I think everyone should wear a seatbelt. But if someone who isn't wearing a

How is that the joke when the comment is "Oh, take your tampon out." To me that is clearly saying "Stop being such a girl." I don't really see how you can interpret that any other way.

Deen: "And then you arrange the charcoal briquettes just right, and light 'em up."

I can't help but think we should've waited until this actually closed. Now I'm just picturing reddit and 4chan scumbags supporting this ironically.

Understand that I am for the legalization of marijuana, buuuuuuuut people can and do "spiral down" with weed. Miley's quote reads like she thinks that marijuana is totally safe and free from the risks of dependence and addiction. It isn't. In a vacuum alcohol and marijuana are about the same when it comes to risks of

Putting aside the stupidity of being dominant in bed = not respecting women. You only have to respect a woman after you marry her? I don't know the guy, and that's probably not what he meant, but it's a disturbing train of thought the way he said it.

I want to know what a nut bag is, and yet I don't want to know.

Yeah. I'm happy being respected as an equal. Will reciprocate.

...and thus feel compelled to make your own almond milk using organic Sicilian almonds and something called a "nut bag."

Yup, that sounds like a thing I would do. I don't have such a thing mind, but there's a reason my mother told me to not go into Sur La Table. I want ALL the kitchen gadgets!

Yes, I was waiting for the actual criticism. It never came.

I wish I were that brave. I hate shaving my legs, but I wear shorts all the time, and I can't deal with criticism.

Well, xoJane kept a drug addict employed & making bank, so..

Surprisingly it's pretty much what it says it is. I chatted with a furry orange guy, but our language barrier prevented us from making any deep connection.

This, exactly. Men never seem to care, girls say things sometimes, and my mom never fails to mention how hairy my pits are. Maybe it's just because I immediately rule out any man who says any anti-woman or anti-feminist thing, but no guy I've gotten with has cared, or at least said anything to me, and I haven't shaved

I've rarely had to school some people in why it isn't an issue unless you're hung up on stupid gender roles, but when I do, they have no legitimate reasons for being weirded out.

Yeah. Mind. Blown.

Well, fratbro douchebag detector anyway. (I think I may have legitimately educated a guy on a breezy day when my long skirt got raised a bit. "Dude, she's got legs like a man's!" actually sounded surprised that it was possible.)

Totally, and I hate to say it but most (not all, but most) of the disparaging commentary I've gotten about it has been from women. Which is not to say that I often get comments on it, even. I think that really and truly most people do not notice.

Yes! I didn't shave my hair for 15+ years (I started up again intermittently a few years ago) and I totally had the same philosophy. If my body hair was so repellant that it kept someone from wanting to sleep with me, then lucky me — I didn't want them to sleep with me either! (For the record, it never did repel