
Derp. Womens only be liking money and status and stuff!

Expert, eh?

Ew. I wouldn't. I don't have time for assholes who hit on me in a professional setting.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't get past "tell me what else you do apart from looking good?" Baaaaaaaaaaaaaarf.

Except, no.

Is it wrong to be grateful there wasn't a dick pic included?

Exactly. A friend of mine met her husband online. My cousin met his wife online. But my online dating experiences over the years have rarely been pleasant. For a while I kept going back and getting three- or six-month subscriptions, but I think I'm out for good now. Dating all those frogs looking for a prince (excuse

I agree. It makes me so angry that these assholes are probably just going to get a slap on the wrist, if that. It scares me to think of these guys graduating, going out into the workforce, probably getting some amount of power, and likely never facing serious consequences for their racism and homophobia. This is why

Well at least in HP it made some sort of sense, because writing's seen backwards in a mirror.

University presidents could shut down the Greek system tomorrow-or at least marginalize it until it dies out—if they wanted. Fraternities are just underage drinking/rape factories. It's stunning they're still supported by schools.

yeah scissors.

Man, look at the huevos on Jesus!

If they think saying nigger is funny, they're racist. End of story. The fact that they think it's no big deal to joke around about it makes them racist. Please do not defend them in any way possible.

It's funny how you follow up descriptions of your friends' utter indifference to the harm caused by their casual use of racial slurs with assurances that they're really okay guys. This is called cognitive dissonance.

Kellog's All New: Tanner Flakes ®

"I am very disappointed that my son is talking the way I would never talk...within earshot of a reporter."

Notice its merely the "language" that's insensitive and unacceptable, not the sentiments themselves. Flake ain't exactly coming out and disavowing the prejudice, just the words. It's a fun semantic game that actually lets him slide by without addressing the actual homophobia, racist and (likely) misogyny his son

Those shorts are so terrible that somebody called an ambulance on 'em.

Why would she say such things?!

Does Chloe Sevigny not realize that there are dozens of us? DOZENS?!?!