
"Non-ye" is genius.

I used to date one of the authors of this Oxford paper... let me just say, YOU'D HAVE TO BE ON DRUGS TO REMAIN IN A LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM.

I know, right? Considering the album name being Tunnel Vision, the assumption the woman is naked due to the nipple and a close up of his gazing face superimposed upon the woman's body, I get the impression of a stalker-dude who only sees a woman as a thing to use to fulfill his own desires. Also, could that stare be

Agreed. I usually enjoy some of his music but as usual, am disappointed in how often male artists rely on naked/scantily clad/sexualized images of women to sell their product. Thanks but no thanks, JT. No respect.

How obnoxiously do you have to be dancing in order to get noticed by the performer on stage?

"Now, take your FunFun!"

I know, right, once you've said "yes" it seems to echo throughout eternity.

Oh I know, I know! This is Former Relationship Rape. Not to be confused with Legitimate Rape or Date Rape or Asking for It Rape. This is the kind of rape where it's okay because at one point in time it was okay!

It's pretty obvious he was trying to help and not rape. I mean, if it was a legitimate rape, her body would have just shut that whole thing down.


This is just to say / if this poem had been written / by the wife instead / it would have been tossed in the bin / alongside the delicious / sweet pit

But I do!

No and sadly it does not promote the consumption of large amounts of insects or the scavenging of bone marrow - protein/fat sources our ancestors exploited before the development of grass fed beef.

Cool. Send me a link to your petition. Tell me about your protest group. Show me what YOU are doing. Because this lecture was pretty hazy on what exactly your cause is and I'd hate to think that you were just another smug hypocrite.

Nope, activism isn't the answer. It just makes you look like "one of those people" - wanna know what kind of people are easily swayed to protest...yeah the bums on the street. So here you are, in that makeshift parade, shouting alongside bums who were coaxed to yell a few words by handing them a buck or two.

I loved this comment up until the "I told you so" part. From the comments on this site, the readers here tend to be warm, generous, philanthropic folks. So you're preaching to the choir (or rather, from your condescending tone, kind of yelling at the choir, which doesn't strike me as inspiring or productive). The

what a coincidence - Kanye's also the love of Kanye's life!


I'm insanely curious where this whole idea that the internet was ever meant to contain private information started. It's the world wide web - it was designed to pass information from one place to another, and to share and disseminate information and make it available. At what point did we all start freaking out that

I think Tilda Swinton is fabulous, but I can never get over the fact that she signed the petition supporting Roman Polanski.