
I thought it was called Freedom kissing...

I thought they're still talking about that poor monkey.

I heard they were going to use Kate Upton for this spread, but she was too obvious.

me too!!

I have a feeling eventually we will learn organic foods are not the second coming of the savior.

I've heard that, in fact... there is no way to avoid dying.

I plan to go down with many a slice of cake in my history.

Which are the foods that can give me good DNA and lots and lots of luck?

I took a cruise to Mexico once and I can honestly say that, should the opportunity arise again, I think I'd rather take LSD and watch my parents have sex.


Not to mention it confirms my general suspicion that dentists are shady.

Why are we even talking about studies that sample three people? There is SO MUCH important, legitimate science being done that gets no credit because people don't think it could be interesting to blog about, or doesn't make a sensational enough headline. Good writers are the thing that makes these things

Seriously, whatever feelings you may or may not have about soda, this study is laughable. "Let's pick three people who have not taken care of their teeth in twenty years and pin their dental decline on one item they drink to a ridiculously absurd degree. Also, let's make our study group smaller than small".

"Painting Lounge was just the hapless victim of an unevenly enforced law"...

I can already see this article is getting several responses that boil down to "don't feed the trolls." And to those folks who are thinking that, I would point you to this thoughtful blog post…, about why responding to discriminatory ridiculousness is not always "troll-feeding" and

Everything about this guy screams "I HAVE NEVER TOUCHED A BOOB IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!"

Sonic jewelry cleaner?

"I don't mean to sound like a super bitch here".

awesome, I'm off to tell everyone I know to never buy from