
Why do you assume I didn’t vote for HRC?

Hate it when that happens!

That shows you don’t know fuck-all about rednecks.

Considering how Obama’s last SCOTUS appointment went, I can’t say I blame RBG for saying, “FUCK IT. I’m in for the long haul!”

The dipshit white voters who threw a hissy fit about Bernie? Fuck them.

But...Ohio. You just never know.

That’s the point. They’re trying to get another abortion case in front of SCOTUS to overturn Roe v Wade.

Or he’s never heard of “Match Game”?

Unless Congress is flipped to a Democratic majority, things will continue to be very very very very very very fucked for awhile.

IF Congress does get flipped, then we have to put pressure on our representatives to find a way to overturn the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and reinstate the Fairness Doctrine. At least

Funny as hell and Bateman has really found a good niche for himself.

I personally think she says it’s “inappropriate” because she’s afraid she’ll blurt out, “BUT DADDY LOVES ME BEST!”

No, that’s a symptom of the problem.

My life is better even with the mostly ineffectual union I’m in, and fuck off for not focusing on the actual problem: misogynistic fuckwads.

I’m holding out hope to see someone do a program to the Cramps’ “New Kind Of Kick”.

I’m sorry that you think POC are too gullible to be able to make their own reproductive decisions without being coerced either way.

Since there was no truth in the post I was responding to, methinks you meant to respond to someone else.

You haven’t been to a Planned Parenthood clinic, have you.

This is my thought too. Being “nice” isn’t getting NBC ratings, so she’s reverting back to her usual, horrible form. They should just fucking fire her White Santa ass now and beat the rush.

You’ve never actually been to a Planned Parenthood clinic, I see. Dismissed.

No, you’re simply saying you think black people are gullible to lies, which isn’t the case. The problem isn’t Planned Parenthood, the problem is an overall lack of resources for POC, which is unfortunately the status quo and Business As Usual.

And telling white people to “do better” when it comes to getting POC the