Congrats on your obstinate attitude, as you have to really try to not get my point. Good luck with that!
Congrats on your obstinate attitude, as you have to really try to not get my point. Good luck with that!
Wrong. If a married woman gets pregnant when she doesn’t want to be and she can’t get an abortion, it DOES affect her husband, and her kids if she has any, because now there’s another drain on many resources.
One of the problems of “women’s health issues”, specifically contraception and abortion is that it’s seen as…
Smart people realize that limiting access to abortion effects EVERYONE, not just women. The degree that is effects them is less than the women directly involved, but contrary to popular belief, it does effect them in one way or another.
Directly, no, but they sure as hell are going to be effected when their wives, girlfriends, partners, or whomever they’re fucking that has a working uterus ends up pregnant when they don’t want to be and can’t get an abortion when they want one.
Any reasonable person would take their kid to the hospital the instant that kid was feeling beyond the usual icky-level of sickness one would experience from a cold or flu. What these people did was beyond horrible.
Wow, and here we thought girl-cooties dissipated with age!
That is cruel and unusual punishment!
I was very amused by the mish-mash of Chin Chin decor going on...they didn’t have hostesses in chinese-style dresses back then that I remember.
I was in LA when everything happened the first time around, but I’m fascinated with this show. Mainly how the prosecution fucked up so completely, and to see how their cockiness early on helped bring their downfall. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
Yeaaaaahhh, I thought that too, but watched the first episode and got HOOKED.
I’ve been mesmerized by Travolta’s performance. Easily the most interesting thing he’s done since Face Off. I loved that movie, and frankly I love him in this.
Not Obama and kids, but this video is pretty danged awesome, too. Sorry I couldn’t find it as a stand-alone post, but it’s still awesome.
Hell, with the unconvinced you can go all out: if they don’t support affordable healthcare for all, prenatal care for these women they want to force into gestation, mandated family leave, affordable day care, making public schools better, affordable college, and stopping the destruction of the environment and…
If you haven’t heard stories like this before and it’s making you rethink some of your outlook on the subject, I wouldn’t be surprised that you felt uneasy.
Are they really any worse than the guys who would wear anti-SOA shirts all while looking exactly like Opie? So hilarious.
No such thing as “partial birth abortion” for one thing. And it’s easy to shoot down the idiocy of Rubio’s stance and other mouth-breathers like him who think late-term abortions are easy and done for flippant reasons. Anyone who would force a woman to continue a non-viable pregnancy shouldn’t be in public office.
If this arrangement was law instead of what her parents wanted, you’d have a point. But it’s Bowie’s money to do with how HE sees fit, not on the legal definition of an adult.
Or maybe it was actually a boring movie to many people.
It was boring as hell. The sex scenes were some of the more interesting scenes, and even then I didn’t care.
It’s incredibly depressing and repugnant that even in cases where a woman has to terminate a wanted pregnancy, the response from forced-birthers is the tired ol’ trope, “She shouldn’t have gotten pregnant to begin with.” DIPSHITS, SHE WANTED THE KID, AND NOW YOU WANT HER TO RISK HER LIFE OVER A NONVIABLE PREGNANCY?