
Adoption is a substitute for parenting, not pregnancy. Forcing women to gestate when they don’t want to so that someone else gets a kid out of it is beyond selfish, so sit your ass down.


I don’t understand that mentality, either. I would love it if Sanders prevailed in the primaries, but if he doesn’t? Clinton is still better than the GOP nominees combined.

Yes, the “didn’t we already fight this battle?” crowd who are too busy to vote in local elections need to take some of the blame for the absolute fuckery that has happened at the state levels in some of these cases.

We’ve had centrism from the supposed “left” in the Democratic party since Bill Clinton, and look how far right the country overall has gone, outside some social issues that white men are willing to throw money at (gay marriage, for instance).

Yeah, it’s easy to make fun of Mississippi about this, but the problem really lies with the DNC from what I can tell.

Love Daylight Savings Time, hate switching between it and Standard Time. The one good thing that Arizona got right was staying on DST all-year round.

Progressives/liberals/whatever you want to call them only come out for the presidential election, which is the problem. The momentum for taking away access to Planned Parenthood, contraception and abortion started at the state level, and liberals tend to vote in those elections less consistently.

Also, gerrymandering

It doesn’t matter if he actually believes what he says or not, he’ll follow the base idiocy and try to defund Planned Parenthood and do away with abortion in this country.

I still can’t get over her being Bono’s daughter!

Why do you automatically assume she’s lying?

Is that a Knick gif I see?

One of my favorite cartoons!

You realize that saying someone appreciates someone else’s batshit viewpoints’ consistency isn’t the same as agreeing with those batshit viewpoints, right?

Part of the problem is that progressives/liberals/non-whachadoodles don’t fucking vote in their local and state elections like they do for President. The whackos can rise up through the local levels and go relatively unchallenged because they’re ignored for being too small and crazy. Next thing we know, BOOM, the

It’s Texas, so I’m guessing number two.

I feel for those kids, but yeah, at least Cameron is walking the (repulsive) walk.

I think the point is that he’s not adopting any of the children languishing in the foster care system, therefore he’s not acting “pro-life”. For that would mean he cares about people once they’re born. He doesn’t, he’s just a fetus fetishist.

Does she not realize how stupid and ignorant and hypocritical she sounds?

The problem is she still has “fans”, and with her blog she’s still able to send out her shitty, hypocritical yammerings to those fans. To counteract that with stories of the, “WTF are you (not) thinking, moron?” is a way to deal with her inability to shut the fuck up about something she obviously doesn’t know shit