
Call of Duty has become the 9Gag of games/war games. And that is not a good thing.

Sam, remove the keyboard and try again.

The government has made of those exceptions a majority. From welfare cards used to buy LCD TVs and smartphones, to letting a minor who killed three people (once for payback, two others for robbery) walk free.

You are damn right we have. You are damn right.

Who don't help?

Frente Amplio, not a fucking joke? Pluna, Aratiri, Daisy Turnee, fucking mujica, Asistencialism, Foreign policies.... shall I go on?

Uruguay is a shithole, to the brim with petty criminals, a useless government, and a standard set to mediocrity in every single aspect of daily life.

Uruguay is a shithole, to the brim with petty criminals, a useless government, and a standard set to mediocrity in every single aspect of daily life.

Good one.

Think about this next time you fail to parallel park.

The auto brightness setting on my iphone is utter shit, so hell, not a single fuck given.

Oh yeah, for that price the should totally add a chrome apple.

Well, they did by Apple, so shitty-ness is not an issue as long as the turd is polished and encased in aluminum.

Listen, console-fans. Most games today are a stinking port from console to PC. Badly done, and buggy, we PC gamers have to cope with it. Don't get all butthurt because a site said a game is better on PC for once.

4chan is not just /b/. Most of the site is incredibly useful and hilarious. /b/ has gone down the drain.

Fucking 9gag. All of what is wrong with the internet, condensed under one IP.

Yesterday Giz ran an article on finding if we live in a simulation by finding limits in the universe.

I hope those are bellybutons.

Well to be honest we could be living in a simulation.