
I think some energy drink company is. 5 Hour Energy drink sounds like it.

If I ever, ever use a title like this one, for anything I write, and it makes sense, I can die a happy writer.

't was... really.

It's a feature.

Dammit chavez... Dammit!

In my country, once Ipay, I'm fucked.

No shit sherlock.

What if I'm one sadistic asshole... I can't post?

if (person) {

I bet they can give the dog softer teeth too.

To be honest, after having an Asus G73, I am not that impressed, performance wise. It's really good, but it's not something that I would pick over a 15 hundred dollar laptop, if it wasn't for the special mousepad and beautiful design.

A gaming laptop is a power laptop. I live in a place 250km away from were I work. If I didn't have an Asus G73, I wouldn't be able to game as often, or keep up with my work at home (CGI)

I'm sorry, but that camera in the title picture... does... does it have "OLYMPUS LENS" written in comic sans? That's outrageous.

Reddit complaining about cotent stealing it's like Apple complaining about other companies sueing eachother.

Haha, gotta save that test ah brah?

The scariest part? The "wash your hands" at the end. That's not what you want to hear after coming out of a hallway full of hopefully (enfasis in hopefully) clean condoms.

Thank God for thrermal bandages.

>Mr. Apple, sir, we have a strike at a Foxconn factory in-

Well, Gizmodo ran over fifity stories on a slighlty longer iPhone, and now we are having an influx of slighlty smaller iPad news. I'd say that apple could "surprise" people by selling phones with a fucking garfield sticker on the back.

Beach wood... that, I know of. Them tiny bikinis, man.