
Amy's laughter should have been a big clue.

It seems like their paths crossed a lot back then, but I can buy that they "knew" each other but didn't really *know* each other until a few years later. Given their careers during the mid-00s, that tracks. Hamm was legit friends with a lot of people in her world so I can see them being acquaintances who didn't become

He also has another kid with Rita that seems to have turned out fairly well. He did an AMA awhile back and seems sane and not ridiculous. Three out of four ain't bad.

Yeah, he is on television. It's just, fortunately, not a widely aired channel. Yet. You can get The Blaze on Dish Network, up above the news channels in the 200s.

Oh, well in that case.

A lot of people *here* called him a homophobe, which was really depressing.

How does this have any effect on your life at all?

Tough titty? Seriously? Good lord!

Except that her way of handling the disease was to expect a show where she was a second (maybe even third) tier regular to structure their entire shooting schedule around her, based on her needs at any given time. If you need time off, you do have the expectation that your employer will do the right thing and give you

Yeah, I can't figure out why people are bending over backwards to say they don't find him attractive as if that backs her up in some way. She *married* him. She was with him for awhile. I might find him attractive, you might not and any random twelve people might be split on the issue but when I see someone selling a

Gosh, by that line of thinking there is no need for insurance at all. Or medication beyond the basic aspirin.

Hey, I'm banned from posting here because I criticized you. So, you know, silencing and stuff...

I'm not sure you're actually watching the show if you think Aidy Bryant is used for nothing but "fat" characters.

They used dogpile.

I think they restock the machine every couple of hours up until about midnight. So, you should be getting relatively fresh snacks all day but if you're craving a cupcake at 7am you should probably muster up some will power and go eat some yogurt instead.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the one in BevHills was first. I went there for the first time last summer just because. It was Sunday at midnight and there was a ridiculous line. But, it was fun. I see zero point in actually going to a cupcake ATM and standing in a super long line on a regular basis (especially if the shop is

It's definitely an ER reference.

Having read a lot of tumblr rants this morning I feel like a great number of them *are* taking it very seriously.

Plus, there was no other option than taking a shot up the "dress" because she was performing on stage at the time. I mean, some of the people commenting on it were assholes and the tabs that went "OMG TAMPON!" were kind of assholes but the people who took the pictures weren't. she was on stage wearing what was

Warner Brothers.