
One of the rescuers said she was fighting him when he tried to pull her and the kids out and then, when she finally got out of the car, she just walked off. Her family had called police earlier in the day because something was "wrong". Sounds like a possible psychotic break.

That Zimmerman guy completely derailed things with his bullshit. The agency owner was capable of having a serious, intelligent discussion about it but Zimmerman kept interrupting his point and making dismissive comments. If AH wants to have serious conversations about this in the future they need to put him in the

I loooooooove that he's been calling them out (fairly politely) and actually getting some replies and explanations. He did a great job.

Plus, you could take anyone defending themselves and stick it next to Woody's defenses and play the same game. This is silly and lame.

I realize that that is what it supposedly is and I have no reason to doubt that but to this day I still don't see it. I see the Ted Danson cutout elsewhere in the movie but I just don't see it there.

You know it was a joke, right?

Did someone tell you to calm down? Good lord.

According to RedEye, the batshit gift bags — courtesy of some L.A. marketing firm that must be swimming in excess cash — will go to the losing nominees from the Best Actor/Actress, Best Supporting Actor/Actress, and Best Director categories.

It's really fantastic but I couldn't use it every day.. You can grab it cheap at most drug stores and the last time I looked they had started selling it in smaller bottles so that you don't have to pay for a gigantic bottle that you might not use.

There are some items in there and a lot of gift vouchers.

He and Alan Arkin should spin off and do buddy comedies.

Yeah, I'm wondering who these people were and what planet they live on. Because reworking something and flipping the race isn't exactly new. FFS, Hollywood once redid The Odd Couple with Ron Glass and Lamont from Sanford and Son and that was a thing that was on television. And even though it was kind of a novelty at

I have always felt like I was the only person bothered by that. Damn you, Stamos.

I don't even think it's cynical, I just think they're too lazy to come up with content that requires them to actually do anything that can't be done from a couch in their office. A majority of the bits on morning radio are completely made up so this is the next logical step. I mean, all of those fake "I think my

Even the dumbest DJ isn't going to be foolish enough to open themselves up the kind of smackdown that could come with setting someone up to be harassed by the public that way.

It's now just a generic message of "the subscriber is not available". It's a cell phone and I'm guessing it's either a number the station uses or it's a burner. Either way, they set it up to see what kind of calls they would get and either got cold feet or someone higher up told them to cut it out before the "prank"

(with the help of a People magazine writer)

I don't either! It seems like trashy made for tv bullshit that I would have been all *over* in 1995.

Doesn't she have a CNN International show?

Didn't you know that if you defend anything, you're a total stan for it?