
Yeah, some of the stuff does seem as if she's under the impression that she's breaking news when the movie has come up both here and in other places over the past weeks. I guess being someone who neither loves or hates the movie (it's okay, I like the people, I think I've watched it at least three times so I must like

You made it a lot further into this than I did. I was hoping it would be funny. It wasn't. And I don't really have a lot of patience with the fact that she framed it as a "rewatch" but chose to use the point of view of someone watching for the first time in a couple of places. It's pretty terrible. That people are

Plus, unless this kiosk is literally the only one in any mall anywhere that only sells cheesecake calendars and not an equal (or more) number of beefcake calendars then am I left to assume that objectifying men is still totes okay? And that the people who stole these calendars have written letters to the publishers of

And in the case of Elfman I'm especially surprised that anyone hanging out in the gawker universe would claim to not know that since she's mentioned in scientology related stories so frequently. Wasn't she being a dick about Leah Remini awhile back? I'm pretty sure we talked about that here. Never mind all the crazy

Right? I was expecting some new list of people to be disappointed in. Or at least a bunch of pictures from their big holiday shindig including non-scientologist guests that we could all speculate about. It's a relief to see the same old folks in there.

Yeah, it's kind of hard to argue that toxic mold killed both of them when she lived with them the entire time and showed no signs of illness.

I give her a pass in that respect but I find her repeated declaration that she's standing up for her daughter and that this is a smear against her daughter to be really obnoxious. Claiming that someone may have been murdered is not an insult to them. They both seem like pretty ridiculous people but that entire letter

i enjoy watching Megyn's eyes as she's listening to her. Assuming that she's not just playing old episodes of Seinfeld in her head as Palin drones on it seems like she's just trying really hard to keep up with the babbling bullshit so that her follow up question will make sense. It must be very difficult interviewing

But, one person doesn't hold the rights. I assume that this is meant to imply that the Marston estate is holding WW hostage in some way? DC has the right to make Wonder Woman films and television and comics and merchandise. They tried the series a couple of years ago. It didn't work. But, I don't think it didn't work

I'm assuming that this is *only* so that they'll be trending? Because I see no other point to it. If i were tracking that tag hoping to find out news about what was going on at the Con I would quickly be irritated by the fact that a majority of it was clearly just a spammed message over and over and over. Couldn't

That was a lot of words.

Thank you for that. She clearly didn't watch the awards, she heard about them. Or just glanced at the television while walking through the room. It's so frustrating because the lack of diversity on the show is a completely valid point but it just seems so insulting to everyone involved to dismiss the people of color

I stopped reading the second I got to the part about Brian Kilmeade having a radio show. What the hell? Can I go back to a minute ago when I didn't know that the dumbest of all the dummies on that show has his own forum to talk nonsense unchallenged?

Okay. I haven't watched it since it actually happened but it was one of the early moments where I questioned exactly how dumb GM was regarding the words that came out of her mouth and the order in which she said them. Maybe Aaryn's horrible behavior was just overshadowing it for me. I just watched a full summer of

I don't think Andy or Spencer constantly bringing up Candice was racist as far as their own motivation goes, they just liked to wind up GM and watch her go. I wish they hadn't and they were total assholes in a lot of those cases but I can't help but think that if I was stuck in that house with no television, radio,

Yeah, I call total bullshit on all of that. Unless they're agencies that advertise in the back of an early nineties issue of YM she doesn't have people knocking down her door. She walked it back later and said she had six meetings but no longer specified when, just that they were in the future. I can't even figure

I haven't read through this thread, mostly because I want to continue to live in a world where "puerto rican dirty monkey" is not an actual slur but is, instead, a string of unrelated words thrown together by a really, really dumb girl who can't even get basic racist attacks right. And this isn't a defense of Gina

Yeah, it makes no sense. It was a complete misinterpretation of the joke.

That is some truly horrible reporting over at salon. Are they being serious? They're using a joke in her book (a joke that I'm pretty sure was written by someone else and is sprinkled in with what are clearly other jokes) as evidence that she's previously referred to herself as a pro-gun republican? I feel like I need

I think the idea is that they had a slot open at the end of summer and they'll make their budget back with ticket sales and all of the DVD and TV licensing will be pure profit. I'm sure they were hoping that it would be a big surprise, late summer hit but I don't think they're that bummed that it's been out for a week