
But, didn't she address it with him when she told people she didn't want a wedding video? He didn't just film it, he filmed and then posted it online. She gets to be pissed.

I don't think it's new so much as it instantly defaulted to "everybody can tag you!!!!" when they went through an update a few times back. So, a lot of people didn't get around to going into the privacy settings and correcting it until various assholes they went to Junior High with had already tagged them in a million

Tate also mentioned that in, I think, a Vulture interview. All the previous week's OC coverage is running together but I'm pretty sure it was Vulture. There he didn't name Misha (or anyone else) but he referred to all the kids as letting their egos get in the way and, basically, not having that much interest in the

That's fair and that's why I prefaced it with "if this is all true" but I don't think that whether or not the girl protested at the time is relevant to her actual feelings about being moved. 12 year olds are generally taught that the flight attendant is boss and to do what they're told. She may have felt that she had

I'm curious to know what the girl thought of all of this. If the mother's story is completely true then the girl was happily sitting near her friends and apparently fine with everything around her. And then she's moved by a flight attendant, against her wishes, to another seat far away from her friends. Which is

One of the guys, Judd, the redneck from Arkansas that I imagine most people thought would be the problem coming into the house, has repeatedly wondered aloud, "don't they realize they're on television?" I love him for that but I think the real problem is that, yes, Aaryn knows she's on television but sees absolutely

I've seen that comp of Amanda, too. Saw some of them as they happened. They're shitty. But, you do realize that I'm not excusing Amanda's behavior, I'm saying that Aaryn is still worse? I see attention seeking and envelope pushing in some of what Amanda says (I see that in Spencer a little bit too) and that doesn't

One of them, Kaitlin, actually already did and I hope she considers exactly what she said. She wasn't accused of being racist (I don't recall her being *that* vile in the house but she was still obnoxious), she was just called out by Julie Chen for being a "mean girl" and she pretty much said that aligning herself

Yeah, I don't buy this because Aaryn, the worst offender, is just straight up racist and isn't using it as a tactic. She's just a piece of garbage. Gina Marie, the second worst offender, is too dumb to even consider this. The only two in the house I could see being smart enough to use racism as a tactic would be

That was amazing! We're in for a hell of a show when Aaryn gets out and finds out that her real life has been blown up by her hatefulness. I'm sure she'll blame that on Candice too.

Amanda's a dick and says racist things but she'd still have to work pretty hard to be as bad as Aaryn. Aaryn might be the worst they've ever had on the show because there is zero humor, zero self awareness, zero tolerance and zero humanity in there. She is better than everyone and she is the victim of everyone. And

That's my assumption. I don't think youtube just randomly decided that it needed to be age restricted, I'm sure they got reports from assholes, trolls and the general hateful youtube commenters who enjoy stifling other people and they made it age restricted almost by default. If they were forced to actually review it

It could and even if it doesn't it still probably doesn't go up much higher but a quick scan through some of the other stuff in the same area of the site makes me think that those are the only sizes left so they're the only ones that show up. Nothing seems to be bigger than toddler size, but they do seem to vary here

Isn't it generally believed that Sharon Osborne pushed her and Holly Robinson both towards the door? Scientology might have had something to do with it but Leah wasn't the only person cut loose from that terrible show. Never mind that behind the scenes people were cut too. Either way, I was referring to her acting

I haven't watched in about a month but I think at last count Duke was back to being Duke in Port Charles and Faison was off doing his dastardly Faison bullshit. Britt was revealed to be Faison's daughter and...ugh, I don't know. I got super into the Nurses Ball stuff with the reappearance of everybody I grew up with

I feel like I'm getting my hopes up too high and that she'll either deny it or backtrack and stay with them but I'm pretty excited about the fact that a very outspoken loudmouth might be leaving the cult. I feel like if anyone is going to want to talk about the crazy of Scientology it would be a scorned Leah Remini.

But...the story is about her leaving Scientology. That's the whole point.

I really don't think so. I mean, she hasn't really done anything big since being in King of Queens for a hundred years but I don't think she's hurting for work. This one kind of seems like a pretty legit case of someone realizing that they've been in a cult for most of their lives. I'd bet that most people who have

He's gorgeous. They both are. I'd watch that on a loop.

Jesus Christ. Two seconds ago I had no idea that this could ever be a thing and now it's all I want in the world. Hey, universe? Listen to Eldritch and get on this immediately.