Seriously. You can tell me all day and night that Bush2 didn't want to be President and I would absolutely believe you. Romney? No. He just thought that working for it was beneath him.
Seriously. You can tell me all day and night that Bush2 didn't want to be President and I would absolutely believe you. Romney? No. He just thought that working for it was beneath him.
Absolutely. The OJ trial is responsible for the careers of many obnoxious people. Among the many things we can blame OJ for: Tucker Carlson. The OJ trial was his break. There was court coverage on television before that but not at that level. Daily non-stop coverage was generally reserved for something like the Oliver…
Yep. Academy members live all over the world. Everybody in Hollywood isn't a member and all members don't live in Hollywood.
Prepare for a stomach ache?
Metal spoons with yogurt = bad.
Yeah, I was actually thinking that as well. I am moving and need some new stuff. I still don't think these places are going to do some serious markdowns on her product because people are still going to be willing to pay the full price, but I'll definitely pay attention to the Target endcaps to see if they toss…
Seeing someone familiar makes them pay attention and, hopefully, retain the information when it comes time to see their doctor. And if seeing someone they're familiar with doesn't make them remember which drug it was they can say "the thing Paula Deen shills for". I don't think the idea is that people will *want*…
I was thinking more along the lines of getting Grantland to make Rembert do it.
Has anybody gone to the facebook page for the Deen cruises? It's really horrible. I mean, of course it's horrible, it's someone having to promote a cruise experience that sounded like a terrible event even prior to this latest scandal. But, there is a serious air of desperation in every post. And since they're clear…
That actually sounds like both a very fun job and a completely horrible experience.
Oh, man. You are so right that if she'd just go away and do some personal reflecting instead of giving weepy interviews and using babytalk/popeye speak she'd have a far easier road to recovery.
I don't know. I think you're *probably* right because people are horrible and even if people aren't supporting her personally there are a lot who just like her shitty food, but I also think that these bullshit surges are hard to keep up. People might buy her stuff now to make a point about whatever but it's like the…
That makes sense. I just assumed that she meant to send it as a DM and fucked up. I didn't really take her "cray" comment as implying that she was hacked, just that she was posting/sending something and it didn't do what she thought it was doing.
I'm not an expert, but yeah...I think it was actually good. The thing that impressed me about it is that I've seen people on these stupid talent shows come out and scream and be supposedly subversive or make a joke out of it like they're making some grand statement about how dumb these shows are. But, these kids came…
Yeah, I think that was definitely the breaking point. Her using the word was offensive and her ridiculous "slave wedding" thing was just bonkers but it was the casual way that she said "of course" that really turned this into something that she wasn't going to be able to reverse. I'm not shocked at some asshole being…
Since her contract is up so soon and hadn't been renewed I think they were sitting there to see how she handled it before they got rid of her. I mean, they probably started the countdown when the lawsuit first happened and were hoping that it would be resolved with her reputation mostly salvaged. Since the deposition…
Have you ever heard his mother speak? I don't think she's fit to offer that much guidance. Or at least the kind of guidance that would make him a decent person. They all seem pretty awful.
What in the hell is going on with all of the commas and ellipses? He should also apologize for that.
I think it was the "of course" in her deposition that makes everything she says suspect. I, too, hope she learns and grows from it because it's nice to think that everybody can realize that they're wrong about something and make the attempt to better themselves. Still, until she does something more I'm not that…
two peas in a dumb-idea pod