
Well, he's probably going to do that either way. Fox will love him even more if he *is* convicted.

Was the woman who said she lined her birdcage with the newspaper the same woman who said her husband "edits" her favorite morning show for her so doesn't hear the news about the case. I was with a dvr-less tv at the time and searching those terms doesn't make it clear. I just heard that and hoped that both sides

Yeah, I don't have a problem with registries. It definitely helps out when it's a more distant relative you don't know that well or a work "friend" that you don't even care to know that well. If someone needs a table lamp or a set of spatulas I'm happy to get that for them. But, I think this personalized gift is way,

Pretty much. Basically, he thinks these two women are shitty people who don't fully understand weddings or marriage (the wedding was apparently to make money for their future) so he took the low blow of telling them they should be lucky it's even legal for them to marry. It was really mean and he knows it was really

That's the way I took it, too. I think the "you're lucky it's legal" was just mean but I don't think it was a slam on gay marriage, I think it was a slam on *their* marriage.

Right? Hastings didn't destroy anything, the dude who was stupid enough to say ridiculous things in front of and to a reporter destroyed his own career.

Did you guys really just link to that story about the racist wedding in South Africa and imply that it happened in the Southern United States?

I have no idea *where* these racist events happen (or, you know, if they happen at all outside of the gross frat parties that pop up on this site almost weekly) but to be fair, there is nothing in this story about any event where black waiters pretended to be slaves. Did Paula Deen actually throw a party and hire

Assuming that Paris is telling the truth or that her memory isn't distorted because she was a child when it all went down then the idea that her testimony would contrast with what was generally thought at the time is most likely because what was generally thought at the time was what Rwaramba was putting out there. If

I followed the link and, unfortunately, the dude over there doesn't look so much like Mark Valley or the 4400 dude or any of the other guys I thought he looked like. Although in one of the profile shots he looks vaguely like Neil Patrick Harris.

Wasn't Valley on the 4400 a couple of times too? I seem to remember those two dudes being on the same show, looking like each other without anyone seeming to care.

He was nearly unrecognizable in The Princess Bride? Is that a thing? Because he looks like Christopher Guest with facial hair. Do people not know that that's him?

It's also manufactured differently, depending on the size. In some cases,'s bullshit. In most cases it's not. It's all a ridiculous markup, regardless of what size it is, but the larger sizes cost more money because they're generally made differently and because of minimums issues the buyer has to pay an

I think she's someone who is clearly very, very out of touch with a lot of things which makes total sense given how insulated she probably is from "regular folk" in her day to day life. But, I've always thought she seemed like there was a very sweet person underneath all the tabloid bullshit. She never struck me as a

Wait, why is it a surprise that Mike and Tamara D would have a lovely house?

I thought it was a pretty well known practice. I'm not sure I get the outrage or the idea that it's a "con job". Mannequins are literally window dressing. A pretty picture to lure you in not a size chart for you to purchase your clothing by.

Yeah, it's pretty hard to get worked up by this one. Basic Universal tickets are already expensive. Line jumper tickets add to it. This really doesn't seem that more ridiculous in cost than the other options already are. If you ignore that you're paying crazy prices to walk around a park and ride a few rides then the

I love these. I envy anyone talented enough to make these sorts of things without lots of fingerprints and snags and random dirt in the glue.

She wore different dresses throughout the night.

Oh, don't get me wrong: I'm not saying it's good. I catch some of it on Fridays when I'm working from home and usually just settle on a Law and Order rerun instead. But, all of the wording in the story is just a bit much. I've seen bits of the show or ads for the show where she's talking to Bradley Cooper and the cast