
Based on a quick scan of his feed, if it's really him then he's a huge disappointment.

Yep. I mean, Jane Pratt is highly mockable but using a paragraph from The Post of all places (aren't we supposed to distrust and despise them as well?) to make fun of an anecdote that we don't even get to hear seems a little pointless.

Yeah, it's gone downhill, but it's hardly terrible and it was definitely awesome at one time. The bright side is that it seems to be rebounding so hopefully they'll end on a high note. I assume that they basically begged Segel and backed up a truck of money to make a ninth season happen so that they can properly end

No, you're not getting it mixed up. The mom is Bilson's roomate aka somebody that was in that class he accidentally taught aka the girl who left her umbrella at the bar, etc. Honestly, if it wasn't for the umbrella I probably wouldn't be able to keep up with who she's supposed to be. So, thanks for that, I guess.

You're obviously right. These are the same people who irrationally send death threats to people who go further on Dancing with the Stars than the dude they were pulling for.

Was she? Perhaps a loss of license would, at some point, be threatened but I don't think she was ultimately going to be fined or fired for this. The hospital stated before and after her death that they were supporting her and the other nurse. It was being investigated because it had to be investigated. As of right now

Nobody in this situation was bullied until *after* the fact when the public bullied the hospital, the radio station, the DJs and the nurses. The DJs played a really shitty prank that, unfortunately, backfired in a tragic way. It was cruel, yes. I think all phone pranks are cruel and they're the main reason I never

I remain completely baffled by the fact that people have sent death threats to them. I mean, I'm not *surprised* at it. The logic behind them just makes me very sad.

Yeah, that's bullshit.

She's a blonde white girl who does stupid things on camera. I've always been under the impression that they're fair game here, even the ones who are basically still children and who we only know because of a truly fucked up backstory.

Wow. I cannot unsee that.

I don't want to like it, but the second Sudeikis hops into the frame they own me. I don't want to watch it, but once it's on I can't *stop* watching it.

Jason Sudeikis.

If you put together a petition urging all schools to place ninjas with water balloons at every entrance I will sign it.

Well, yeah, I think it does mean guns. What else could it mean? Ninjas at every school entrance? A water balloon brigade?

I've always enjoyed Hugh Grant for this. He's just matter of fact about it and owns up to mistakes.

I don't think a homophobe would play along so enthusiastically with the Shevine shippers.

I'm pretty sure Miranda is even more pro-gun, kick the shit out of everybody than Blake is. I realize that you can't judge someone based solely on stories told via song, but she seems consistent.

And that it wasn't even seen at a Hallmark, but a newsstand. A newsstand that clearly has a lot of very old stock.