
I agree that Chevy has been wronged in this particular piece of reporting but the rest? No. Chevy's a dick. Harmon's a dick. They're two jerks who were never going to get along with one another. Harmon is no saint but he's not insane.

Thank you. What a strange joke. There's always someone, somewhere who lives to be outraged by everything but I imagine most people aren't especially upset about this cameo, however big or small it might be. He's the biggest Tolkien nerd out there. Why would people get upset that someone who genuinely loves something

Yep. And Gawker knew that because they got the story from Deadline where it was all laid out. It's just more fun to report that Chevy is a racist who dropped the n-word on set. This appears to be one case where Chevy may have actually been right in his complaints about the writing (and Pierce's bigotry really has been

Oh my god, this movie is going to be on next weekend. I was just flipping channels and saw it on the dish grid on one of the crappy level pay channels. I haven't thought about that movie in years and now it's come up twice in the same day. I watched it way too many times when I was a kid.

If it's an urban legend I don't want to know about it. I choose to believe it happened and it's making me very happy (and teary) right now.

Ah, got it.

The only times I have ever seen an HOA back down are when it involves something like a war hero coming home (or the equivalent w/ a sick family member or something along those lines) and the HOA making families take down welcome home banners or flags. I don't see them backing down over the color of a kid's playhouse,

When did Augusta become a backward, backwater, middle of nowhere town?